Godly Master’s System Plug-in

Chapter 816: Erliang's resolution (on)

It is Erliang.

Li Yun saw his eyes before. He seemed to have something to say to Li Yun, so Li Yun waited on the spot. Ten minutes later, Er Liang ran back breathlessly, with some embarrassment on his face. Caixia smiled.

"What are you doing back?" Caixia didn't have the slightest affection for the people with Li Xiangui.

Before Er Liang spoke, Li Yun asked: "You just come back, Li Xiangui won't doubt you?"

One sentence confuses Caiwei and Caixia, Er Liang wants to betray Li Xiangui? But why, when did my brother know?

"No way."

Er Liang was a little bit cramped and said, "I threw my phone halfway, and when I walked halfway, I said to look for it. I also reminded Li Xiangui that he asked him to call my phone."

Li Yun smiled. The scheme is not particularly superb, but it is estimated that he can fool Li Dazhuang, who is not very bright in his head.

"Okay, I'll talk about anything after lunch at noon."

Li Yun deliberately aired him, and continued to shuttle through the mountains and forests with Cai Wei Caixia, looking for prey while looking for a possible baby base.

Caixia finally got her shotgun to try it out, and she hit a hare like shit, which made her very happy.

Caiwei also tried to shoot a few shots at the instigation of her sister. Although she didn't like shooting very much, Caiwei was very happy with the novel feeling.

Especially the feeling of hunting in the mountains and forests with her brother, it makes Cai Wei smile happily.

Er Liang followed behind and was very surprised, not because Caixia hit her prey, nor because of the emotional closeness of their three brothers and sisters, but because of their physical strength!

As a native of Jiugou Village, he walks in the mountains all year round, not to mention the one with the best physical strength, but at least the one with the best.

But now Erliang, he has already started to sweat, but the three of them still seem to be able to do their job, especially the elder brother of the three siblings, even breathing for breath, good physical strength is scary!

Li Yun saw the surprise in Er Liang's eyes, but he would definitely not explain that it was the merit of the Physique Pill, so let him be puzzled.

At noon, the four had beaten five pheasants and two hares on the mountain, and they almost ran out of more than fifty bullets.

Er Liang found a puddle, consciously broke the ice surface and washed two pheasants and one hare with the water underneath as a lunch at noon, while Li Yun went to find some dry firewood to light it to prepare for barbecue.

Caiwei stared at the pulsating firelight in a daze, and then turned to look at her brother.

In the deep winter approaching New Year’s Eve, in a low mountain, her brother, sister and her were eating barbecue around the fire, Cai Wei exhausted her whole body and hugged her brother, looking at him with a hint of inexplicability. The love between men and women seems to be the love between men and women, and it is also like the love between the younger sister and the older brother. The two intersect together, and there is nothing left of the sage of plucking. There is only the passion for the brother and the right Her sister can't explain her unidentified sisterhood.

Caixia seemed to sense the emotional fluctuations of Caiwei. She was still roasting a pheasant happily, but suddenly turned her head to look at her, and at a glance she saw Caiwei who was holding her brother's arm and staring at her madly.


Caixia was taken aback for a moment, and then she understood from the bottom of her heart what Caiwei was thinking at the moment. She leaned down and kissed her cheek, then rubbed her smooth and soft face hard, and said happily, "Sister, I I really like you, let's be together with my brother forever."

Neither Li Yun nor Er Liang could understand, what are these sisters doing? Why suddenly she looks like a sister's affection.


Caiwei blushed and nodded in agreement, thinking in her heart, it would be good if the time of this life stayed at this moment.

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