Godly Master’s System Plug-in

Chapter 807: Real person

I checked every inch of land in the resort, even Li Yun went to look at the generator room, but only heard the rumbling noise in this small locked generator room, there was nothing unusual.

Then, he made a circle around the pond, and even performed some light water floats, running on the ice with his true energy, and explored this small pond.

But no, no, Long Yun Yu Pei still has no response!

"Strange, there is no base, what exactly is this big boss doing here?"

Li Yun couldn't figure it out, and simply gave up these useless actions and returned to the resort again to check the remaining greenhouses.

A warehouse, an engineer, and a room for miscellaneous items. Only a smaller shed remained. Li Yun finally found something different.

Before he cut the wall, he heard a faint noise coming from inside. Could it be that some secret blasting work was going on inside?

But after Li Yun separated the wall with a dagger, he immediately heard an ebb and flow of female shouts from inside, causing Li Yun's hands to tremble a few times, and his breath was messy. If not for the people inside If he concentrates on that, he will surely be discovered.

Last time I lurked at Fengming Mountain Villa, Li Yun heard Long Fengming say from behind that he was caught by her because he saw that Long Fengming was in a mess while taking a bath.

Unexpectedly, he still made the same mistake this time, really shouldn't!

Li Yun felt entangled for a while, look, or not?

If you look at it, it's not because of moral or other issues, but because you are afraid of being affected, your breath will be messy again and be discovered by the people inside. You know that it seems that the leader lives here, maybe it is the innate master.

If you don't look at it, it seems that you will miss something. What if the key person is inside?

When Li Yun was thinking, the screams from the live-action version of the men's and women's battles evoked his male instinct, and his heart felt like a fire, making him uncomfortable.

In the end, Li Yun chose to take a look.

This shed is much more luxuriously decorated, with no extra daily necessities, all clothing and some documents.

There were only three people inside, one man and two women, doing things up and down on the kang.

The man is about forty years old, his body is very muscular, and his face is elegant. He seems to be a middle-aged man who has read poetry.

If you ignore the two younger women under him.

Li Yun frowned. The two women looked pretty good. They didn't look like those in nearby towns and villages. They were a bit of women walking in the dust.

It's just a little younger, probably just graduated from high school.

Li Yun looked at this look for five seconds. Just as he was about to move his eyes away, he heard the sound of dialogue inside.

"Huh, when can we leave here? Fangfang, I really don't want to stay here, it's cold and remote, so boring!"

Fangfang said coquettishly while serving the man hard.

Real person?

Li Yun wanted to look away and locked on the middle-aged man again. A person with such a title would almost certainly be a man in the world!

What are people doing here?

Li Yun also thought of the brother Zhu he met during the day. He was also a gangster. There were actually two gangsters in this small Luonan town, and one of them was still a famous gangster. This was beyond Li Yun's expectations. Outside.


The man nicknamed the real person slapped Fangfang's face fiercely, and said fiercely: "What? Doing these things with me will be boring? I think Fangfang, you are owing a beating!"

"Well, I dare not, I just ask, sister, right?"

Fangfang cast a wink at the real person, and said delicately.

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