Godly Master’s System Plug-in

Chapter 597: X catalytic gene

The four of Li Yun and Professor Luo came to the 69th floor, where the young lady did the experiment.

The bottles and jars here are very much like a place for a biological laboratory, especially when there are more than a dozen mice locked, the more you feel an aura full of danger.

It belongs to the human fear of unknown viruses.

Li Yun was secretly shocked, but the eldest lady, as usual, began to multiply the X catalytic gene under Professor Luo's gaze, and obtained a vial of gene fragments that can quickly give birth to cells.

It's just that the way the eldest lady did the experiment was too horrible. Li Yun didn't have experiments in high school, but there was definitely no one as rough as the eldest.

Yes, she was very simple and rude in doing experiments.

Generally speaking, when adding reagents, others will carefully measure the dosage of the liquid medicine and then slowly pour it into the test bottle.

But the eldest lady was different. She picked up the bottle and fell over, frightened Li Yun and the three men almost dragged her out.

However, the amazing thing is that the experiment was also successful, and it was very successful.

Professor Luo finally saw the clue. This Miss Murong was not good at experimenting, but her hands and feet were clean and tidy. Even if she poured liquids rudely, the dosage was just right.

It's amazing!

He repeatedly said with emotion that the eldest lady's experimentation speed is at least ten times that of others. The medicine is good, can it be unpleasant?

"Is this the X catalytic gene?"

Li Yun is still a little afraid of these things, because he thought of the terrifying T virus that was shot in the movie, just breaking the bottle would produce billions of zombies.

Murong Nantian said, "Qingyue, try the effect of this medicine."

Since Murong Qingyue tried it before, there was no problem, so it doesn't hurt to try again now.

He wants to confirm the authenticity of this thing.

The eldest lady didn't say much, and again took out a bottle containing the fertilized mouse eggs from the refrigerator, put the fertilized eggs into the nutrient solution, and then poured the X catalytic gene.

Everyone held their breath, and as soon as the X catalytic gene was added, the water in the entire nutrient solution tank near the fertilized egg began to fluctuate violently, as if metallic sodium was put into the water, and a large number of bubbles appeared.

Professor Luo looked solemn, "The white mouse cells inside are increasing dramatically."

Ten minutes later, after Professor Luo finished sorting out the research materials of the eldest lady, the original fertilized egg had become a newly born mouse, and the flesh on its body was still squirming violently, almost every time. Growing up all the time!

Murong Nantian gave up observation, rubbed his temples and smiled bitterly: "Professor Luo, things have developed to the most terrifying point. The other party really masters the technology of rapid biological cloning!"

"Yes, we can draw a conclusion now, and I will submit a report to General Qi with you later."

Professor Luo sighed, "Retracting what I said before, compared to this terrible technology, the cloning of Infernal Affairs is not worth mentioning."

"Yes." Murong Nantian was also worried, "The other party is organized and premeditated, with superb science and technology, and now there are clones to replenish soldiers at any time. If there are sufficient resources, the strength of the gods can almost challenge the entire world! "

A power organization challenges the world, and the plot in the movie is really born.

No, it should be scarier than in the movie.

After all, the umbrella company in Resident Evil does not possess the resurrection technology of Golden Soldiers, let alone clone a person, and can also stuff the soul of another person into the clone.

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