With the help of Xiao Jiayu, Li Yun's family quickly moved to her home.

In addition to Li Yun's parents' things, they have decided to go back to their hometown tomorrow. Li Yun advised them to travel more while they were young. They also agreed, but they still need to go back to their hometown to confirm one thing before going.

Li Yun asked them what was going on, but his parents didn't say anything, and he looked a little worried.

When I came to Xiangshan No. 5, which is the Xiao family's castle, the two elders who saw such a luxurious castle for the first time seemed a little restrained, but after seeing the Xiao family warmly welcoming them, they felt relieved.

The environment here is much better than that of Tianyang District. I live in a castle, garden, swimming pool, rockery and pavilion. Even the entire Fragrant Mountain has been remodeled to be very beautiful. It is definitely comfortable to live here.

There are still many vacancies in the big castle of the Xiao family. It is not a problem to arrange a few people. Caiwei and Caixia also have a special study room that can be used to learn piano painting.

Xiao Mingxi was especially excited about the arrival of the sisters and Li Yun, and she was overwhelmed with joy until after dinner. After knowing that Li Yun was going to talk to her parents, she took the two sisters and ran away.

Li Yun's parents didn't join this conversation either, so it's better for them not to participate in the religious affairs.

After speaking, Li Yun apologized to them first, saying that Jing Xiucheng might have to stay in jail afterwards.

Xiao Jiayu shook his head to show that he didn't care, and said faintly, "He asked for this. I have told him several times."

Xiao Yu said: "I didn't think that Li Yun, your sister was kidnapped by Jing Xiucheng and the religious people. Jing Xiucheng is also to blame, and the Jing family will be in despair from now on.

Forget it, don't mention him, Li Yun, your sister now doesn't have to worry about being robbed easily after moving here.

I then sent someone to help Cai Wei Caixia to transfer to the school where Jiayu was studying before. The students there are all children from wealthy families in Zhonghai City, and they are safe. "

That is, the private aristocratic school, Zhonghai Tianhua International School, referred to as Tianhua International.

Li Yun thanked him and said, "If I hadn't had you, I really don't know how to protect my family. Thank you so much!"

"What do you say, kid?" Chen Jingyi smiled: "If it weren't for you, Xi'er wouldn't be fine."

Li Yun shook his head, "In the future, the goal of the gods will most likely be directed at me. I am afraid that you will also be implicated. I only hope that they will all come to me and stop aiming at them."

Speaking of the religion, everyone was a little worried.

"I am also the goal of the cult." Xiao Jiayu sighed, "Too genius is also a bad thing, and the cult is targeted by the cult for no reason!"

Li Yun knew she was comforting him.

Chen Jingyi said, "Even without Li Yun you, as long as you are in the arena, it is impossible to escape this storm."

"How to say?"

Several people looked at Chen Jingyi, and she said worriedly: "I got news from the Tianshan Sect. Many people have actually contacted the Kongming Sect in secret."

Li Yun was a little surprised, "That is to say, these people want to get a pill to break through the innate?"


Chen Jingyi said: "Even the so-called zombieization can't stop them. For them, as long as they reach the innate, it's the same for whoever works for them!"

They became zombies because those people didn't listen to the orders of the gods, but these people took the initiative to take refuge, do they think they would not be betrayed by the gods?

But judging from the experience of Jing Xiucheng and Mo Tianyi, the gods do not care about their lives.

Li Yun said this and wanted Chen Jingyi to send a message to warn those people, but she shook her head, "It is difficult. Even if they believe what you say, these people are hopeless to break through the innate. Many people are right. Innately possessed, even if you are controlled, you still have to enjoy the innate taste!"

Simply put, it means turning a blind eye to the dangers in the future and focusing only on the immediate benefits.

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