If it was to find out the truth in the house at that time, Long Fengming's five subordinates did not know it, and Li Yun had fooled them with a Chinese genius doctor.

It is very possible that the gods were not satisfied with this answer and tortured them to death.

Li Yun suddenly felt guilty towards them because of his joining, these two talents were tortured.

"The religion..."

Long Fengming glanced at him, seeming to know Li Yun's mood, and said: "If you have a heart, I will treat their family members kindly. Walking in the rivers and lakes will inevitably encounter such things."

Even so, but...

Li Yun sighed and said, "How about the remaining three people?"

Several people who were innate masters, when faced with the gods, turned out to be weak!

Long Fengming said: "I told them to stay in the villa and wait to find out the truth about this matter. However, instead of worrying about them, you might as well worry about yourself."

"Me? Oh, I was also the one who was there. However, a few golden soldiers can't deal with me!"

"Just blow it up, screaming around with a broken pistol, when you miss it, and this time it is not a pseudo-innate golden soldier."

"who is it?"

"Empty School!"

Li Yun was a little surprised, but it was reasonable. He killed the disciple of the Kongming Sect. Mo Tianyi was suing, and the Kongming Sect did not need the truth to come to him.

"It happened to be here. Zhengzhou doesn't know what the Kongming faction is doing. It is a good thing to take the initiative to take the initiative."

"Ha ha."

Long Fengming despised him heartily: "Little thief, although it's embarrassing, you should still hide behind your eldest lady. The Kongming School is not as weak as the pseudo-innate!"

"I know, I will be careful."

Li Yun looked at her and asked curiously, "How did you know that Kongming sent someone? Do you know any other information?"

"I naturally have my intelligence eyeliner."

Long Fengming smiled triumphantly, "I don't know the rest, but I know the person they have sent here. It is an old man named Yu Fengcheng. He went to Mo's house after entering Zhonghai City in the early innate period.

"Mo Family? Mo Tianyi!"

The more Li Yun thought about it, the more he felt bad. The enemy had already started to act, but he was still in the dark.

Take out your cell phone and make a call to Chief Cai.

"Director Cai, where are Jing Xiucheng and Mo Tianyi now?"

The two of them are the eyeliners of the Kongming School, and the Kongming School is related to the gods. Therefore, Li Yun had discussed with Director Cai before, and both Jing Xiucheng and Mo Tianyi were watching closely.

Director Cai: "They are still in Zhonghai City, there is no change, what's wrong?"

"Are you sure? But the Kongming faction has come!"

"What? Wait, I'll confirm it."

There was a noise on the phone, and Director Cai had already confirmed the news of the eyeliner. Li Yun glanced at Long Fengming, her intelligence was actually faster than that of the Zhonghai City Police Station!

Long Fengming laughed without saying a word, picked up the teacup and took a sip, then proudly said: "Of course I know about the affairs of the world, what the government knows, haha!"

"You are good."

Li Yun is not in the mood to compliment her now. The longer Director Cai leaves, the more he feels that something will happen, and he feels a little restless.

"Hey, are you so worried? Do you want me to deal with the Kongming faction with you?"

"Thank you, not yet, me and the police..."

"Li Yun!!!"

Director Cai interrupted Li Yun by shouting in shock.

"what's the situation?"

"The personnel monitoring Jing Xiucheng were stunned. The current situation is unknown. Moreover, the locator installed in Mo Tianyi's vehicle shows that their target direction is..."

Director Cai said, "I have already sent someone, don't worry!"

"Where did you go?!!!"

"Tianyang Community!"


Tianyang Community is the same community where Li Yun's newly bought house is located.

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