Godly Master’s System Plug-in

Chapter 549: Press conference

So simply, Li Yun didn't answer a question, and said that he was sorry and turned back to the building, let the security of the building block them, and waited for Yishanshan to arrive before leaving.

A few minutes later, Yi Shanshan's motorcade arrived, and a dozen bodyguards came down first. The bodyguards of the building separated the reporters and fans who had surrounded him a long time ago before Yi Shanshan got out of the car.

"Li Yun!"

"Shan Shan."

Ishanshan is now wearing a pure white dress, without complicated decoration, simple but pure, which is very suitable for Ishanshan's pure white lotus-like temperament.

"Ahhhhhhh!!! It's really Shining coming!"

"Damn it! Who is that man? Why are you so close to my Shining?"

"That's my sparkle, not yours!"

"Go to death, it's my sparkle!"

"Sparkling, I love you! I love you to death!"

Even more terrifying than reporters are the loyal fans of the stars. Don’t you see the reporters who were like wolves just now, but now they are all squeezed aside by the enthusiastic fans, and even the chance to pass the microphone is gone.

Yishanshan smiled and waved to the fans, showing them a beautiful smile, and said: "Hello everyone, thank you for coming to see Shanshan today."

The fans screamed again, Yishanshan pressed her hand to stop them, and the reporters took the opportunity to shout and ask some questions.

Yi Shanshan said: "Today I am here to attend the product launch of my good friend Li Yun. It is as simple as that. I want to promote his company's first game to my friend. Wait a minute, friends from journalists can upload At the press conference, you can ask me questions again at the conference.

The premise is that everything obeys the company's arrangements. "

"Excuse me, Shanshan, what is the relationship between Li Yun and you?" a reporter couldn't help but asked eagerly.

"I have already said, I will answer later, sorry, I will go up first."

Yishanshan waved his hand again to say goodbye to the fans, and walked into Dingwei Building with Li Yun first.

As for this group of reporters, they are also rushing to the building, but they are destined not to catch up with Ishanshan.

Because they have to register when entering the building.

After entering the building with Yishanshan and her agent, Li Yun finally breathed a sigh of relief: "These reporters are really crazy."

"Hehe, I think so too." Yi Shanshan covered her mouth and smiled, blinking at Li Yun and said: "Although I don't like them very much, I can understand that this is their job."

"Well, understandable, I didn't blame them either."

"I'm afraid you blame me." Yishanshan's face turned red, "I will bring these troubles every time I show up, do you feel annoying?"

Li Yun was a little embarrassed, "It's okay, I won't find it bothersome, after all, you are helping me now." Can't she say that she cares too much about his feelings?

Yishanshan asked, "Isn't it time to help you? Will you blame me?"

"No, after all, we are friends. Friends should tolerate these." Li Yun was a little embarrassed when asked, especially when there was a third person present.

She seems too bold.

"Do my friends want to tolerate these? Hee hee, okay, I remember!"

Seeing Yishanshan smiling like a flower, her agent, Qian Xiaorou finally couldn't help but said: "Shanshan, don't trust others easily. Friends should tolerate this. It's nonsense!"

This unceremonious remark made Li Yun and Yi Shanshan look at her in surprise.

"Isn't it? Even if you are a brother, you have to settle the accounts. You call Li Yun. What you said,'Friends should tolerate this', I don't agree with this kind of falsehood!"

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