Godly Master’s System Plug-in

Chapter 534: Ishanshan arrives

The middle-aged woman sank her face, "So Yishanshan, you mean, my son Liu Gaojie is a bad person?!"

She changed her face so quickly, the idol didn't help her, so she immediately changed her name to Yishanshan.

"This one……"

Yishanshan stayed silent. She wanted to help Li Yun, but she didn't understand the matter at all, and was rather self-defeating.

The middle-aged woman turned her head to look at Li Yun again, "Boy, do you think my son is good or bad?"

There is a big trap in this sentence, no matter whether Li Yun answers a good person or a bad person, she can use it to fight back.

Don't talk about bad people, so she has the motive for Li Yun to kill.

Speaking of a good person, this middle-aged woman can even more tell the truth that Li Yun killed a good person, showing his cruelty!

Therefore, Li Yun did not answer her question at all.

Of course, the above is only Li Yun's own consideration, he is not sure whether this middle-aged woman thinks like this in his mind.

The middle-aged man glanced at Yi Shanshan greedily, and shouted: "Don't know how to pretend to be stinky, how can my son be a bad guy! I think you stand beside a man so shamelessly, is he your lover?"

Ishanshan blushed and couldn't say a word.

Unexpectedly, this sentence directly exploded the pot.

Yishanshan's Zhonghai University fans stopped doing it immediately. They wouldn't be surrounded by Yishanshan like a gangster fan did, but they couldn't watch their idols be ashamed.

As a result, everyone scolded him, and the originally arrogant middle-aged man couldn't help but shrink his head.

Li Yun stopped them, and Yi Shanshan also apologized to let the fans stop, and this stopped the fans' anger.

In the end, she did not apologize to the middle-aged man because she felt that this person was very problematic.

The son died, he didn't show much sadness, his face was full of false anger, and he kept looking at her with bad eyes, which was very suspicious.

Li Yun said to this group of people who wear hemp and filial piety: "Go back to business, let's solve this problem." The appearance of a big star always causes a lot of unnecessary trouble.

"Solved? Did you solve this?"

The middle-aged woman asked a question in the negative test, and then scolded: "No need to solve it, I have already called the police, you just wait to accompany my son's life!"

"That's it, it's right and right to kill someone!"

"Repay my nephew's life!"

What a shrew with sharp-toothed mouths, a word of her made the group of people booze again. Both Yi Shanshan and Xiao Jiayu looked at Li Yun worriedly, this kind of thing is really indefensible.

Li Yun said loudly: "First make a statement, I don't know where Liu Gaojie is now."

Everyone talked a lot, and they didn't know whether Liu Gaojie was alive or dead.

Only Xiao Jiayu, who knew the inside story, secretly laughed. Liu Gaojie has now been pulled for anatomy. Of course, Li Yun didn't know where he was.

"Hmph, you don't know if you don't know, who will believe it!"

Li Yun asked back: "You said you are Liu Gaojie's mother, who believes it?"

"You! Why am I..."

Li Yun interrupted her not to give her a chance to scold her, and continued: "If you are, that's fine, I ask you, do you know the origin of Liu Gaojie? His birth date, what is his preferred personality, you Can you tell me?"

After a series of problems came down, this fake middle-aged woman couldn't stand it at all, because she didn't know the information!

In the end she could only say in a rascal manner: "Birthday characters are to be kept secret, it is impossible to tell you that my son has been alienated from me when he grows up, and I don't know what he likes!"

The middle-aged man snorted coldly, "Where do you come from so much nonsense? We are Liu Gaojie's parents. Could anyone in this world pretend to be a son?"

"For money, anything is possible."

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