Godly Master’s System Plug-in

Chapter 532: Hanging banner

A lot of mess came down, and Li Yun hadn't had much time to go to school these days. He was only notified by Qin Li when there was noisy school on Thursday afternoon.

"What's the matter? Why are you in a hurry to call me back?" Li Yun is still watching the flesh and blood of the golden soldiers in Dingwei Building and Missy. Although he is useless in the laboratory, he has taken a day off today. I won't go back in the afternoon.

"Damn, don't ask, come back soon, Jing Xiucheng is crazy!"

"What? Wait, I'll go back now."

He was urged by Xiao Jiayu several times on the way, and when Li Yun hurried back, several large and exaggerated banners had been pulled up at the school gate.

"Li Yun of the 2018 class of science and technology class, openly murdered classmate Liu Gaojie, and gave my son a fair deal!"

"Li Yun will pay for his life!"

"Murder Li Yun!!"

Shocking banners with red letters on a white background, plus many men, women and children crying at the gate of the school, almost everyone who passed by could not ignore them. They talked in whispers, and many of them were extremely detrimental to Li Yun.

Fortunately, the school leaders have always been there, so they didn't make things uncontrollable.

Li Yun calmly walked over, Xiao Jiayu immediately greeted him, and said in a low voice eagerly, "You finally came back. This should be the ghost of Jing Xiucheng and Mo Tianyi. These people were found by Mo Tianyi. They are not at all. Liu Gaojie's family!"


"Furthermore, Liu Gaojie deserved it, Li Yun, you didn't do anything wrong!"

"I know."

"Li Yun, should I talk to the school leaders and drive these people away. The classmates don't know the inside story, and they are easily deceived."

Li Yun smiled at Xiao Jiayu, he was not in a hurry, but Xiao Jiayu was obviously in a hurry.

"I'm fine, Jiayu! Just follow the same sentence, go straight, sit firmly, and walk straight! I don't need to be afraid of these slanderous things!"

Xiao Jiayu's heart couldn't help being touched, Li Yun's self-confidence now looks so handsome, she feels more handsome than any man!

She has always been a little flustered when encountering these disputes. Li Yun has been by her side, so Xiao Jiayu can face these battles with confidence.

"Good~! I listen to you!"

The two walked up to the group of people. These fake family members hadn't recognized Li Yun. When Li Yun talked to the school leader, these people reacted and ran over to surround him.

"You are Li Yun? You are so vicious, my poor child died in your hands like this, you killed my son!"

"My god, open your eyes, pity my child, let the demon who killed him go to hell!"

"Murder, life, debt, and money, China Overseas University must give us an explanation!"

"Yes! My nephew Liu Gaojie's life can't be so in vain!"

A large group of people surrounded Li Yun and the school leaders weeping, wailing, cursing, and all kinds of unbearable words reached the audience.

The school leaders were a little panicked. What they fear most is this kind of thing. Once these people cause trouble, especially this kind of trouble, it will affect the official career. If they are not handled well, their position will Not guaranteed!

Xiao Jiayu frowned, trying to say something, but finally calmed down and waited for Li Yun's counterattack.

She believes Li Yun can handle it.

"be quiet!"

Li Yun shouted loudly, sounding like thunder, and shook all this group of people.

This group of people who are here to find faults will not be able to proceed with the next conversation unless they are deterred.

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