Godly Master’s System Plug-in

Chapter 516: Discussion (on)

The next morning, everyone finished their breakfast and talked about what happened last night.

Li Yun remembered the other two old opponents and asked, "How are Jing Xiucheng and Mo Tianyi now?"

"Liu Gaojie is dead, they took advantage of the chaos and escaped last night."

Xiao Jiayu said: "We didn't catch them on the spot. Maybe they were not guilty of crimes. Li Yun, you killed Liu Gaojie. Even if Mo Tianyi didn't see it, he would most likely file a lawsuit with the Kongming faction!"

"Do you want me to be careful of the revenge of the unobtrusive faction?"


Li Yun pondered the problem silently, and Long Fengming directly said domineeringly: "We will simply destroy the Kongming faction. My Dragon Valley and your Murong family Tianshan faction will act together to overthrow the Kongming faction!"

The little maid and Xiao Jiayu both looked at her in surprise. Does Long Fengming, a cruel woman, actually defend Li Yun like this?

"What are you doing? Don't want to go?"

Long Fengming laughed and said: "I am not just for Li Yun. Liu Gaojie, a **** who is a disciple of the Kongming School, has challenged me to Fengming Mountain Villa over and over again. In addition, the Kongming School has recently added a few more innates. Experts and fools all know that the Kongming Sect is now completely the minion of the gods, and I have reason to fight the Kongming Sect!"

It turns out that she also knows about the unusual behavior of the Kongming faction recently.

But it is not surprising that compared to Xiao Jiayu, she is a complete quack and naturally knows the news well.



Seeing that Miss Murong had agreed to Long Fengming’s proposal, Li Yun quickly said: “Although there are only a few more congenitals on the surface of the Kongming faction, from the events of last night, I guess the number will never be so. Less! By the way, there are more people in the Kongming School?"

Long Fengming said indifferently: "There are 41 congenital elders, of which 30 are early congenital, 8 are middle congenital, and 3 are post congenital. There are 217 disciples of the inner sect, more than 1,000 disciples of the outer sect, and many other handymen."

The four of them looked at her in surprise, and Li Yun said in surprise: "Long Fengming, you know too well!"

"Nonsense." Long Fengming said contemptuously: "The head and disciples of the Kongming faction have all hit my door. I didn't bring people directly to the Kongming faction's premises. I already gave them face. Investigating his Kongming faction is a matter of course. And it’s not a secret."

Li Yun understood that Long Fengming didn't kill the Kongming faction because he was worried about the religion.

"There are so many people in the same sect of your arena. There are nearly two thousand people in one sect. There are so many innate masters!"

"What is your arena?"

Long Fengming gave him a weird look, "Do you think you can still escape the world?"

Li Yun said wonderingly: "I haven't entered the rivers and lakes yet! So I left?"

"Miss Murong and Jiayu, they are all well-known big beauties in the world," Long Fengming smiled and pointed to them both, "Dare you say it has nothing to do with you?!"

She really dare to say.

Xiao Jiayu's face turned red, but she didn't refute her words.

Miss Murong was very calm and couldn't see what was thinking in her heart, so the little maid stared at him angrily, and almost rushed to hit him with her small fist.

Li Yun was embarrassed by the choking of the dragon and the phoenix. This woman openly pointed out the question he had been avoiding. It was really disgusting!

"Miss and Jiayu are my friends, well, just treat me as a quack."

Fearing that she had been entangled in this topic, Li Yun had to admit defeat and asked: "What I just wanted to ask is that the place is now being developed into a tourist place. The Kongming Sect, or Longgu Murong's Jianghu sect resident, are all Where is it?"

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