Godly Master’s System Plug-in

Chapter 510: Miss comfort

"Awesome! Awesome!"

Seeing her coquettish words like a little girl, Li Yun couldn't help reaching out and touching her head, and said guiltily: "Qingyue, you are very powerful, I doubt if I am..." He stopped talking.


Miss Murong snorted coldly, and said dissatisfied: "I am me, I am here, just like you, always you!"

Her words were strange, but Li Yun knew what she meant. He was wondering if she was the eldest lady he knew, so he reached out and stroked her head to confirm, and wanted to say that he was not worthy of her.

But Murong Qingyue also saw through his meaning, and directly said that she had not changed, even if she was amazing, it was still the Murong Qingyue he knew Li Yun.

Just like Li Yun before, showing the power of the system, the meaning he expressed to the eldest lady is similar to this. Li Yun is Li Yun, even if there is a place to hide her, it is still him.

Li Yun was very moved, but unfortunately, now is not the time to embrace her.

Director Cai hurriedly ordered: "Send these survivors to treatment!"

These survivors are of great research value. Director Cai and Li Yun both hope to find a way to control them!

Miss Murong wanted to go to the two platinum warriors to check, but Li Yun grabbed her and said, "Be careful they will blew up."


His crow's mouth worked, the usual two huge explosions sounded, and the platinum soldiers were blown to pieces of meat.

Afterwards, all the zombies who were not dead at the scene fell to the ground with bleeding, leaving everyone with nothing useful at all!

"Oh shit!"

Seeing the development of things like this, even Captain Zhu couldn't help but swear, "This group of soldiers will have no life if they die!"

Li Yun sighed, "I'm afraid they are not dead yet."

"Huh?" Director Cai looked at Li Yun, "You seem to have gained a lot of information again?"

"Clean up the mess first."

At the end of the series of battles, everyone was a little tired, especially in the face of these weird soldiers, it was even more tiring after being frightened.

Li Yun took Director Cai to the house of the ten former Golden Soldiers and talked a little bit about the situation. The firefighters were allowed to enter in chemical protective suits. After confirming that the toxins had dissipated, the special flesh and blood were sent for inspection.

Director Cai was frightened when he heard Murong Qingyue's judgment that they were biochemicals.

Biochemicals and zombies, these two things undoubtedly greatly surpass the technology of the world today, just like science fiction movies!

Director Cai was unable to call the shots, and contacted the Zhonghai City Police Headquarters to give a rough report of the situation here.

When the operator heard about biochemical people or zombies, he almost thought Director Cai was confused, but when he heard that more than 60 people had died here, he immediately understood that this is another major case, and he hurried to report to his superiors.

Li Yun wanted Miss Murong and the others to go back first, but she also said that she wanted a golden soldier and the corpse of a zombie to be examined. She was a PhD in biology and wanted to study it.

It was the first time that Li Yun heard about Miss's profession, but Director Cai couldn't call the shots, saying that he had to wait for the leadership to decide.

So Miss Murong didn't want to go back first. She didn't go back, and Xiao Jiayu didn't go back, and finally decided that everyone would live in the Peony Resort tonight, waiting for the outcome of the matter.

Yi Shanshan was rushed back by Director Cai. If the superiors knew that he was keeping her on the battlefield, she would have to be scolded to death.

Long Fengming had been impatient for a long time, and Li Yun knew the matter afterwards, so she told Piaoxu and Yanyu to listen to Li Yun's orders, and let him go and grind with the officials, and she ran to take a bath by herself.

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