Godly Master’s System Plug-in

Chapter 507: Battle with zombies

Long Fengming said: "Sure enough, these people have been completely controlled by Gu worms, and the drugs that inhibit the nerve center have no effect."

Li Yun looked solemn, "That also means that there is no response to pain!"

Then he turned his head and said quickly: "Director Cai, give me a submachine gun!"

An armed police soldier beside him had already prepared and handed a submachine gun to Li Yun.

I have a gun in my hand.

Li Yun seemed to have a feeling that he was a complete person with the gun, and the desire to kill in his heart had an outlet, which made him extremely excited.

Yelled: "Director Cai, give an order!"

The zombies on the opposite side are getting closer and closer. If their skills are really innate, if they are approached again, these armed police soldiers will be in danger.

Director Cai has an ugly face, and things have reached this point. He wants to kill so many people in one breath. He doesn't want to sleep well these days, because there are too many reports to do.

He fired a shot in the air, and warned for the last time: "The person on the other side, stop immediately!"

Of course, these zombies have all been controlled, and the two platinum soldiers stood behind them and watched all this with a sneer.

Captain Zhu knew that the battle was approaching, and shouted calmly: "Attention all units, the enemy is a ‘monster’ who doesn’t know the pain, listen to my orders, prepare,"



Li Yun vaguely heard the order issued by the Platinum Warriors, and at the moment when hundreds of submachine guns fired, the zombies on the opposite side moved in unison.

The body was stiff, but the movements were not slow at all. At this moment, these zombies were like specially trained warriors, waving their claws towards the armed police.

"Da da da!"

Hundreds of submachine guns roared, countless bullets poured on the zombies, and the dull sound of bullets piercing into the flesh made Ishanshan in the distance pale. .

Blood, minced meat, and broken limbs are like a fierce battlefield, but there is one thing less than the real battlefield.

The screams of human beings before they die.

This group of zombies were still struggling to move forward even if they were shot by bullets, covered in blood, and even their arms and legs were broken.

This group of people can no longer call people, but demons crawling out of hell!

Long Fengming smiled and said, "It turned out not to be a congenital, but a pseudo congenital, which frightened me."

Whether it is congenital or pseudo congenital, the armed police soldiers saw this monster for the first time, and after a round of firing, they were all frightened.

Li Yun shot the zombie in the front with a single shot, and hurriedly shouted: "Attack again, don't be stingy with bullets, try to hit the enemy in the head!"

It doesn't work to hit the abdomen or heart. The heart is gone, and people are still able to move before they die.

Only if the central nervous system of the head or neck is destroyed, this group of people will immediately fall.

It's a pity that it's too late. These zombies are stiff, but their speed is really not slow. It seems that the sacred medicine has transformed their bodies into beasts, and all of them are running wild.

The zombies rushed to the explosion-proof shield, and one suddenly jumped up three or four meters high, and was about to plunge into the armed police group.

Captain Zhu was shocked. If this group of zombies caught him, even if he wouldn't be infected, he would have suffered heavy casualties.


At the critical moment, Long Fengming's previous arrangement took effect. More than twenty innate masters were scattered among the crowd. With a violent shout, the long sword was out of its sheath, and the cold light flickered, and the few zombies that rushed in were killed by several swords.

Long Fengming yelled coldly: "The government officials step back!"

With that, the golden figure crossed the shield wall and fell to the zombies.

Li Yun looked silly, Long Fengming jumped seven or eight meters away, and his figure was as gorgeous as a golden phoenix. The zombies on the scene did not compromise her beauty at all, but made her aura more and more lingering.

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