Godly Master’s System Plug-in

Chapter 300: confession

Zhu Yulin and the armed policemen who saw Li Yun's actions were all shocked. Some armed policemen rushed in after Li Yun without waiting for Captain Zhu's order.

At this time, choosing a frontal attack can also be considered an appropriate choice.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

When he rushed into the villa, Li Yun shot and killed all the people who showed their heads.

Some accidentally escaped the key points, Li Yun also relentlessly made up a bullet and directly sent this group of people to the west!

He has never been soft-hearted to enemies with guns, otherwise, the people on his side will die!

Wang Mengyan's face looked pale, and she was terrified at Li Yun's coldness.

This kind of merciless killing scene, as well as the red, white, and red all over the floor, the mixture of blood and brains, made people like her who had never experienced the battlefield almost vomited.

Even if there is no vomiting, Wang Mengyan's face is very ugly, she can't accept the cruel killing by Li Yun.

Li Yun had no time to care about her feelings, and killed most of the outcropping enemies, and then cooperated with the armed police to rush in and directly captured all of them.

Sun Litian and Sun Buyi were also captured inside, but Li Yun saw that Sun Litian was already half-dead kneeling on the ground, his mouth was full of blood, and it seemed that the teeth of his mouth had been knocked out.

Director Cai asked Sun Buyi, "Where is Qinglong?"

Sun Buyi sat on the ground with his head down, and said in a low voice, "What Qinglong?"

"Don't pretend to be garlic!" Li Yun said coldly, "Without Qinglong, could you kill your son's teeth?"

If all the people of the Sun family were here, Sun Litian would not have been beaten so badly!

Li Yunyi reminded that Captain Zhu and the others were all awakened, and while instructing the armed police to start controlling the scene, they made people search for possible tunnels and secret rooms.

Director Cai said: "Sun Buyi, you should know that you have brought so much arms by colluding with foreign forces. If you don't seek to surrender and do meritorious services, you will probably die!"

Sun Buyi's face was already dead, but this time things happened like this. In any case, his Sun family has been ruined.

Hearing Director Cai's words at this moment, I ignited some desire to survive, saying: "Can I still be sentenced to death?"

"This operation went smoothly. We have no casualties. As long as you have not committed a heinous crime before, you will not be sentenced to death. It is more of a suspended death sentence. If you perform well, you will go to life!"

"What about my son?"

"It depends on whether he is an accessory or a principal! If you recruit, I will count you surrendered!"

Now that Sun Litian has lost half of his life, he can't speak, so naturally it is impossible to surrender.

"I recruit, police, I recruit! My son didn't do anything, it was me who contacted Qinglong!"

When Sun Buyi heard that his son could be commuted, he immediately betrayed Qinglong, and said quickly: "Qinglong himself did not come. Several of his subordinates came, but all of them are very strange and powerful!"

Sun Buyi told all about his collusion with Qinglong.

Sure enough, he had colluded with Qinglong more than a year ago, and even his Sun family was able to develop so fast within a year because of the credit of Qinglong's secret funding.

But he never met Qinglong once, all of them were only contacted by phone, and Qinglong's funds came in continuously, as if the money was not regarded as money!

It's just that Qinglong's money is not so easy to take, what happened to his son tonight shows this, Qinglong has the strength to control these people who are seduced by him!

Li Yun became more and more worried about Qinglong. Such a huge force, the layout of a year ago, has only begun to act now. What kind of secrets are hidden behind this?

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