Godly Master’s System Plug-in

Chapter 296: Cruel visitor

The person wearing the golden mask seemed to be the leader of the five, and he was the one who made the evil voice just now.

Sun Buyi's face was pale, and he evasively didn't dare to look at them, and said stammeringly: "Yes, it's me, may I ask if you are...?"

"Eastern Promise, the Azure Dragon is the respect!" x3

The six weird black-robed men enthusiastically shouted three slogans, and the leader wearing the golden mask said coldly to Sun Buyi who was kneeling to the ground in fright: "We are soldiers under the seat of the Azure Dragon!"

The chanting scenes of such fanatical believers shocked everyone present. They were not like normal people, but like puppets and puppets who worship idols!

Sun Buyi repelled the group of bodyguards with submachine guns, and then respectfully replied to the golden masked leader: "I am Sun Buyi, thank the five adults for coming here, I..."

"You talk too much nonsense!"

The leader coldly interrupted Sun Buyi's words and said, "You are not doing things well. Originally, I asked Venerable Qinglong to kill you all, but Venerable Qinglong was kind and righteous and gave you a chance.

But if I can’t do it again this time, I will kill you all directly! "

With such murderous aura, the Azure Dragon who spoke with Sun Buyi before does not seem to come from a force!

Sun Litian stood up fiercely and shouted, "If you want to kill, kill it? How old are you?"

This group of people simply didn't put his grandson family in their eyes. This is his territory. There are hundreds of people and more than a dozen loyal servants holding submachine guns. Isn't his grandson still afraid of them? !


Almost as soon as Sun Litian's voice fell, a soldier wearing a silver mask had already taken action. His figure flashed, and after Sun Buyi and his son hadn't seen the movement at all, he punched Sun Litian in the mouth.

Sun Litian had only a few teeth broken by Li Yun not long ago. He was just repaired and he was directly beaten in the face.

But this time, the Silver Soldiers did not keep their hands like Li Yun. With a punch, all of Sun Litian's mouthful and teeth were blown away, and his body flew out, knocking down countless things in the house. Finally, he slapped on the wall in a big font before falling slowly.


Sun Buyi was horrified, and Sun Litian fell to the ground motionlessly, as if he had been hit to death with a punch.

The Golden Soldier snorted and said cruelly: "Don't worry, it's not dead, but if there is another time, your Sun family will be destroyed!"

Then he ordered: "Number five, go, save him!"


I don’t know if it’s the silver soldier with the name or the codename No. 5, walked up to Sun Litian, kicked it and raised his head, then took out a pill, flicked his finger, and threw it directly at Sun Litian. In his mouth.

Sun Buyi was shocked to see that Sun Litian, who was originally enraged, immediately coughed a few times after taking that pill, and his body trembled and regained consciousness.

After Sun Litian woke up, he no longer dared to look at the group of soldiers. He knelt on the ground without any movement. He walked around the life and death barrier. His fear of this group of people had reached the limit, and he didn't even dare to move. a bit.

"Huh! Ignorant fool!"

The golden war soldier said coldly: "You don't know the strength of our Azure Dragon, this time I will spare you once. But you must remember that from the moment you surrender to the Azure Dragon, your lives are not your own. Everything must be led by the command of the Azure Dragon, otherwise, it is still death!"

"Yes Yes!"

Sun Buyi knelt down on the ground with a pale face, regretting incomparably, regretting that he had provoke this group of murderous cultists!

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