Godly Master’s System Plug-in

Chapter 292: Yuyue Company

Li Yun and the others were all pursuing high efficiency, and the company's affairs were quickly discussed.

Parent company name: Yuyue Group Co., Ltd.

The first subsidiary: Zhonghai Chaoneng Technology Co., Ltd.

The name Yuyue was suggested by Xiao Jiayu. She knew that if she only added her own name, the little maid would definitely not agree, so she took the initiative to add Murong Qingyue's name.

Miss Murong did not object, but the little maid muttered, wanting to be called Yue Yu, and said that her lady's name should be the first.

But the name Yue Yu was too similar to "prison break", so I had to give it up.

Li Yun had no objections. Liu Fang and Lu Ming were a little surprised. Miss Murong, Xiao Jiayu and Li Yun had a very good relationship, and they actually used their names as the name of Li Yun's company!

As an unlisted company, the parent company is firmly controlled by Li Yun and several people. In the future, with it, it will control many listed or unlisted companies.

This will facilitate financing without affecting the operation of the parent company, so there is no need to worry about being acquired!

Li Yun made a plan for one million plus the first game, accounting for 41% of the shares and serving as chairman.

Xiao Jiayu and Ms. Murong each contributed 150w, each accounting for 20%, as members of the board of directors.

Lu Ming also invested 1 million, accounting for 10% of the shares, serving as the vice chairman of the board of directors and chief executive officer.

Liu Fang is the vice president of the group, responsible for the administration department, and the little maid alone holds 4.5% of the shares.

In fact, these divisions are very random, and the proportion of shares is also very random. For example, the little maid will sell cute clothes if she doesn't do anything, and she also holds 4.5% of the shares like Liu Fang.

Another example is Miss Murong. She actually paid far more than 150w. She also set aside three floors for Yuyue Group to work. Moreover, the free restaurant and various entertainment facilities in Dingwei Building were originally her Sanshuiyue. The company’s is now all free and open to employees of Yuyue Group and its subsidiaries in the future.

Lu Ming was actually very at a loss. He only accounted for 10% of the shares after 100w. Moreover, he is also the president of Yuyue Company, responsible for all the daily management of the company, and his share is too low.

Li Yun took the most advantage!

He pondered for a moment, and said, "Now the shareholding ratio is the same. When the first game comes out and there are more people, then the responsibilities and shareholdings will be divided in detail." His shareholding is too much, and then it will be reduced a little. In terms of the company's shareholding ratio, let them give more points.

Everyone has no opinion. Even if the first game makes money, it will only cost a few hundred million. For the people here, it is no different from one million!

Liu Fang pushed down the delicate black-framed eyes and said, "I will find someone to start all matters concerning the registration of the company in the afternoon. No surprises, I can get it before Wednesday."

Lu Ming also said: "I'm looking for someone. I need a main program, another main art, a main planner, and the rest can be recruited."

As I said before, this game probably requires more than ten people.

The initial idea is that 4 programs plus 7 art, plus two plans, is enough!

Liu Fang said, "I'll be responsible for the recruitment. Lu Ming and Li Yun, do you want an interview?"

Both of them were familiar with the company's affairs and quickly agreed on these things.

Lu Ming shook his head, "I just hire the main person."

Li Yun thought for a while and said, "When is the interview? Let me see the situation!"

"I will notify you when the time comes."


Li Yun glanced at the little maid who was eager to try. Needless to say, she would definitely join in the fun by then.

After all the discussions were completed, Liu Fang took everyone to the restaurant on the 48th floor of the building for dinner.

With the magnanimity of Dingwei Building, this entire floor is used as a restaurant, and meals are free!

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