Godly Master’s System Plug-in

Chapter 290: Lu Ming's three conditions

Lu Ming set up assessments at three time points.

The first point is to make Li Yun's first game earn two hundred million, which initially proves his own strength and vision!

The second point is that Li Yun should be able to let Lu Ming conduct artificial intelligence research within a year and a half, or before the end of the third game!

This is very important. Many people used all kinds of rhetoric before starting a company, but after making money, they became cringe and began to cling to the situation and no longer want to change.

If Li Yun earns more than 1 billion and can persist in researching and developing core technologies, he has already proved that he is really bold and ambitious!

Third, ambition is not enough. Within three years, Lu Ming will still leave if he fails to become famous.

There is nothing wrong with this. After all, top talents like Lu Ming can't stick to a company.

His vision has long been not only for money, but also to achieve a higher ideal of life, to reach the state of being famous in history, is Lu Ming's pursuit!

"I promise you all!"

After Li Yun figured this out, he happily agreed to Lu Ming's three conditions.

"But I also have three requirements."

Li Yun's words surprised Lu Ming. This young man dared to make a request. Is he really afraid that he would turn around and leave?

Oh, forget, I don't know who Lu Ming is, so I don't care.

Thinking of this, Lu Ming laughed, "Please speak."

"The first point, I have to strictly control my first game, and I will never release it if the quality is not reached!"

Although there are systematic guarantees, angry chickens will definitely be popular.

But that is on the premise that the game is qualified or even excellent.

If you create a game casually, unless you use the legendary causal weapon to forcefully change the preferences of all mankind, it will be popular!

Lu Ming nodded and agreed, "The quality of control is definitely necessary, and I will also check this point."

Li Yun continued: "The second point, I hope that the research direction I put forward can be implemented!"

This is also very important. If Li Yun proposes that no one will execute the research direction, the company will be meaningless.

Although Lu Ming is very powerful, he is still limited to human knowledge after all. If he goes to study, he doesn't know how many years will it take to produce results.

"research direction?"

Lu Ming was surprised now.

If Li Yun wants absolute control of the company, he is not surprised, but what Li Yun wants is control of the research direction.

You must know that in other companies, Lu Ming often controls the research direction, and the company's control is not on him!

Xiao Jiayu quickly said: "Uncle Lu, Li Yun is very good, I believe he is right!"

What she guessed was Li Yun's mysterious power, but Li Yun once said that she could not reveal it again, so she could only say that.

Lu Ming hesitated for a while, but still agreed. The research direction could be Li Yunding, but Lu Ming's specific implementation would be.

When he studied the situation, he saw that the situation was wrong, and he would raise it later.

"The third one?"


Li Yun smiled and said: "It's not easy to mention now, I will talk about it after the first game is released."

The third requirement was about the system. Li Yun brought something out and was inevitably questioned by Lu Ming.

Let him keep the secret is the third requirement.

"It's quite mysterious! Okay, I can talk about it again then!"

Lu Ming smiled and said: "I am looking forward to the company's first game more and more."

If it can be popular, then everything is easy to say, otherwise, everything is forbidden.

"You won't be disappointed!"

Lu Ming stretched out his hand to Li Yun and said, "Get to know again, Lu Ming, just call me by name from now on!"

Li Yun held his hand, "Li Yun! Looking forward to cooperating with you!"

"Fight for a better tomorrow for all mankind?"

"Yes, strive for a better tomorrow for all mankind!"


The two shook hands and laughed. In a sense, both of them are the same kind of people, people who strive for lofty ideals!

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