Godly Master’s System Plug-in

Chapter 286: Great goal

"Strive for a better tomorrow for all mankind..."

Everyone was stunned, what kind of goal is this? For the future of all mankind? Does he think he Li Yun is the savior?

He is a small game company investing 500W, why did he say this?

If it weren't for the face of Xiao Jiayu and Liu Fang, I'm afraid Lu Ming would immediately turn around and leave, to stay away from this kind of delusional man who can speak big words!

Miss Murong and Xiao Jiayu, two people who knew Li Yun's mystery, both looked at Li Yun thoughtfully. Maybe he was not talking big.

Before treating Xiao Mingxi, no one believed him, but finally proved that Li Yun is indeed capable of curing Xiao Mingxi!

Liu Fang remained unmoved, and said lightly: "Specifically, how do you fight for a better tomorrow for all mankind?"

Lu Ming's heart moved and sat down again.

Ignoring the little maid's mumbling that the bad guy is lying, Li Yun smiled and said, "Of course, it's too early to say this. The goal of the first stage can be: let players enjoy high-tech games!"

"Talk about it, what is a high-tech game?"

This is Lu Ming’s strengths. He has a master's degree and a Ph.D. in computer, and his subsequent research directions are also focused on search, big data, artificial intelligence and other emerging research directions. It can be said that he is the most authoritative speech in IT technology. One of the people!

Li Yun pondered for a while, but finally sighed, "I have too many things I want to do."

Lu Ming smiled and said, "You can take your time, all big companies can't be done overnight!"

He was a little surprised. He didn't think that this young man who was just playing a small game gave Lu Ming the feeling that his tone actually had an ambition to let the sun and the moon be full of rivers!

Li Yun said: "In terms of games, the goal of the first stage is to change existing gameplay, such as VR and AR."

VR, virtual reality.

AR, augmented reality.

Both are the development directions of future technology, and many foreign technology companies have also begun to bet on these two emerging fields.

Lu Ming said: "The VR bubble has gone through several games. I guess it is difficult to achieve large-scale actual commercial use under the current technical conditions. The current VR helmets are too bulky!"

After a pause, he continued: "As for AR, giant hard companies are already in research and development, but unfortunately they invested 30 billion in a company, and the company is valued at nearly 100 billion, but the product is still in PPT."

Everyone laughed. These are just capital carnivals. The real products are still in their infancy. I don't know when they will be available.

Li Yun knew what he meant. Using his 500w small company to toss these hundreds of billions of things that didn't make a product is purely seeking death.

Unfortunately, what Lu Ming didn't know was that Li Yun had a system that could cheat.

Of course, Li Yun could not tell the system, so he had to say: "VR helmet, my initial goal is to be miniaturized to be easily worn on the eyes, similar to Gugou glasses. With AR, holographic projection can be realized, and it can be interactively formed. Games to play.

In the latter case, these two will gradually merge together, which is the so-called MR, mixed reality! "

Lu Ming didn't know what to say about Li Yun. There are so many things that holographic projection can do, and it's not just about playing games!

Li Yun continued to imagine: "After changing the screen, the game will also change. The IQs of the NPCs and monsters in the large-scale games that are now open are too low. Even in the open world, the NPC conversations inside are dead. , Very dull."

Lu Ming's face was weird, "Are you going to put artificial intelligence into the game?"

Artificial intelligence is what he has been doing in the search giant three months ago!

Unfortunately, now that search company has become a medical advertising company, and his project has to be stopped by the chairman, and his subsequent exit is a matter of course.

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