The game "Angry Chickens" has a very simple background setting. It tells a series of stories about the chickens and the fat pigs based on the chicken's revenge on the fat pig who stole the eggs.

The gameplay is also very simple. Players only need to eject the chicken on the slingshot. The chicken uses its body as a weapon to attack the fortress of the fat pigs like a cannonball.

The chick hits the green fat pig, and knocking all the fat pigs down is a pass.

The ejected chicks will leave the ejection trajectory, which can be used for reference angle and force adjustment. The more scores of each level, the higher the star rating.

It can be said to be a very simple game, the core gameplay is very simple, and Li Yun will introduce it in twos and threes.

The remaining chickens, fat pigs, and types of hidden easter eggs, etc., can be placed first, and we will talk about them when we are actually playing the game.


After Li Yun finished speaking, the little maid immediately yelled excitedly, "It looks like it's funny, hurry up and make it for me!"

"It's not that fast yet, it will take about half a year."

"This kind of small game doesn't take that long. I estimate it will take two months, at most two and a half months, and it is based on an investment of 500w."

Li Yun's words did not get Lu Ming's approval. He knew more about project time management than Li Yun.

With surprise in her eyes, Xiao Jiayu looked at Lu Ming and said, "Uncle Lu, is that feasible?"

Lu Ming praised: "This plan is very detailed, with a lot of pictures, and even a lot of small settings, such as easter eggs, etc., are written. According to this development, a good little game will definitely work. !"

But whether it can make a hundred million, only God knows.

The playability of the game is a mystery. Except for the game project aimed at the 3A masterpiece at the beginning, the rest of the gamers dare not say that their games will definitely be loved.

So although Lu Ming praised Li Yun, he didn't show any intention of joining the team.

No matter how well this plan is done, it can't get rid of its identity as a small game.

And Lu Ming, his eyes are no longer above this kind of thing, even the top three-A game production company in the game industry, he is condescending when he becomes the president, how can he fancy this kind of small game company!

Xiao Jiayu saw the meaning of Lu Qi's words, and suddenly seemed a little slouched.

After her father knew that Li Yun was going to start an IT company, he personally invited Lu Ming to help Li Yun. He wanted to repay Li Yun's kindness, but he tried too hard and directly invited a great god.

Liu Fangqing closed her short black hair and asked Li Yun to pass the plan to her.

She asked as she watched: "Li Yun, have you thought before, do potential consumers of your game have monetization channels? Or how will your company develop in the future!"

After listening to Li Yun's plan, she changed her impression of Li Yun a little bit. At least he was not a person who only talked big words, but actually took action.

"The audience for the game is probably everyone who likes to play games."

Speaking of this, Li Yun seemed confident, "I believe this game can catch fire!"

"Talk about why."

Liu Fang stopped reading the documents, took a sip of tea from the water cup, and half-leaned on the sofa looking at Li Yun.

When entering the working mode of communicating with others, Liu Fang's mental state became very good, and there seemed to be a powerful force in his eyes, which made people couldn't help but admire her presidential aura!

Seeing Li Yun's confident expression, Miss Murong's heart moved. Could it be that this self-confidence also comes from the mysterious power behind Li Yun?

Xiao Jiayu also immediately thought of this. Although Li Yun was very confident in the past, he would not say anything.

The last time I was so confident, it was when I saved Xiao Mingxi!

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