Godly Master’s System Plug-in

Chapter 281: Meet and discuss

Several senior executives also recognized Lu Ming. It is strange if he doesn't know him. He is the president of a well-known domestic company. His departure three months ago was also a major event in the technology circle.

Would Lu Ming come to work in Sanshuiyue?

However, Lu Ming's qualifications are more than enough to serve as the president of Sanshuiyue Group. These senior executives did not hear any noise that Liu Fang was leaving!

Lu Ming was talking polite words with several executives, but the little maid became impatient, and said loudly, "You guys, hurry up and go, you are actually wasting my lady's time here!"

Her words were very rude, but several executives didn't and didn't dare to get angry. The mysterious Miss Murong was still here. How could they dare to talk more, they all resigned immediately.

Li Yun smiled bitterly again, the little maid is really...I don't know what to say about her!

After the executives left, Lu Mingcai and Liu Fang reunited.

The two of them met when they were studying in the United States, and both belonged to the relatively well-known existence in the Chinese circle.

Liu Fang glanced at Li Yun. The little maid told her a few days ago that Li Yun was about to start a company and asked her, Miss Murong's big housekeeper, to start preparing for the preliminary work.

She has paid enough attention to this mission. After all, she can see that the eldest lady cares about Li Yun so much, and the relationship between the two is very close, maybe something super-friendship will happen in the future.

But Liu Fang still didn't expect that Li Yun actually invited Miss Xiao's family to come to the platform, and the Xiao's family invited Lu Ming to come again. Seeing this situation, it was also for his company's business.

Several people sat down, Xiao Jiayu once again introduced Lu Ming to everyone, and said that if it goes well, Mr. Lu Ming will also join Li Yun's upcoming company.

The premise is that Lu Ming has taken a fancy to Li Yun's plan and has great interest in his company.

Lu Ming smiled, and did not refute Xiao Jiayu's words.

In fact, based on his qualifications and status, investment projects of less than one billion yuan are not worthy of him.

Even other companies asked him to be president, not one of the top 500 companies in the world, or a position alone, he didn't even look at it.

But Xiao Yu, Xiao Jiayu's father, had helped Lu Ming, so Lu Ming came to see Li Yun's game project in person at Xiao Yu's invitation.

Seeing Xiao Jiayu introducing Lu Yu, the little maid introduced Liu Fang as if not convinced, and said that Sister Fang would directly stand on the platform and make suggestions for Miss Li Yun!

Liu Fang did not express any objection to what she said, and she still looked like a cold-faced female president.

Lu Yu was a little surprised. He knew Liu Fang's ability. Before Li Yun started to introduce his project, Liu Fang had already decided to help Li Yun?

But Lu Ming glanced at Miss Murong, and he knew that Liu Fang was only following her orders.

Li Yun looked at them both with a headache, Xiao Jiayu was already fighting the little maid before they even started!

Liu Fang knocked down the table and said majesticly: "Li Yun, first of all, what is your company like? What kind of business do you plan to operate and what is the initial investment amount?"

Li Yun was immediately embarrassed, and these problems came out in a swarm, making him, the first brother of the mall, unable to resist.

Liu Fang frowned slightly, making her neutral and beautiful appearance look more cold and strong!

If Li Yun were the executives under her hands, she would have been reprimanded by her a long time ago, because Li Yun came to her but hadn't prepared what to say, it was a waste of her time!

Everyone looked at Li Yun, and he had no choice but to say: "Sister Fang and Mr. Lu are both business elites. I'm afraid it would be a little overkill to come to talk about this kind of business with a kid like me."

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