Lu Ming, three months ago, was the group president and chief operating officer of China's domestic search company.

During his tenure at the search giant, he was responsible for product, technology, sales and marketing operations. The heads of various business departments and senior vice presidents will report directly to him. It can be said that there are less than 10,000 people.

During his tenure at the search giant, Lu Ming directly doubled the company's market value from 400 billion to an astonishing 800 billion. Among domestic high-tech companies, he firmly occupied the third place in market value!

But now, this outstanding company group president is standing in the front lobby of a building with a beautiful woman, and he can't even go in and visit!

"Sorry, miss, without invitation, our Sanshuiyue Group will not meet anyone!"

The receptionist who was in charge of receiving Lu Ming was the receptionist Li Yun met before. She showed a standard professional smile and was more patient than Li Yun before.

After all, this beautiful woman is not an ordinary person at first glance, and the middle-aged man next to her also looks like a successful person.

This stunning woman is of course Xiao Jiayu. She brought Lu Ming to Sanshuiyue Company early in the morning. She didn't expect to arrive within the agreed time, but she still had a closed door.

In addition, this is a competitor's site, which makes Xiao Jiayu more and more popular.

"I know you Murong Qingyue, Chairman of Sanshuiyue Company!" Xiao Jiayu gritted his teeth and said, "Hurry up and let people come to meet us!"

Seeing her getting angry, the lady at the front desk secretly said something was wrong, she could only smile again: "Sorry, miss, our eldest miss sees no outsiders!" She did not say the chairman, but the eldest lady, which was also called the maid since childhood. Inherited.

"Ah!!! I am so angry!!!"

"Jiayu, let's sit down and wait."

Lu Ming greeted Xiao Jiayu, who was jumping anxiously, sitting on the sofa and waiting. He looked at her somewhat unexpectedly and smiled: "Jiayu, what's the matter with you? I have never seen you so impatient."

Xiao Jiayu, who is common in Lu Mingping, has a sunny smile on his face, and his words are like spring breeze, and he has no temper.

But now her irritable expression is nothing like the expression that the beautiful and generous Xiao Jiayu should have!

"It's because of something."

Speaking of this, Xiao Jiayu's face turned red, "Uncle Lu, sorry, I shouldn't have asked you to wait here!"

Lu Ming said it didn't matter, and said, "Jiayu, tell me what kind of company this Sanshuiyue company is? This looks pretty big, why I have never heard of it."

He is a friend of Xiao Jiayu's father Xiao Yu. Today, at the invitation of Xiao Yu, he said that he was introducing him to a job, but he didn't elaborate on anything.

Lu Ming thought it was Sanshuiyue company, but he didn't expect it to be...

"Uncle Lu, wait, I'll call him first."

Who is he?

Lu Ming was surprised to see Xiao Jiayu's expression. After he took out the phone, his expression became resentful, but there was a sweet smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Li Yun, why haven't you arrived yet? We've all been waiting for so long!"

"Sorry, Jiayu, the eldest lady was having breakfast with me before, and now I have driven here and will be there soon!"

"Huh, hurry up!"

Xiao Jiayu put down the phone and apologized to Lu Ming again, and the people who said he would wait will arrive soon.

Lu Ming shook his head and said he didn't care. He was already shocked by Xiao Jiayu's coquettish tone just now. Is it her boyfriend who is waiting?

The situation of Xiao Jiayu made Lu Ming even more curious about the people he was going to meet next.

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