Godly Master’s System Plug-in

Chapter 276: Be the first

After three hours of long talk last night, the relationship between Li Yun and Xiao Jiayu returned to normal, but with a little more ambiguous.

Liu Gaojie put on normal clothes the next day and started a fierce offensive against Xiao Jiayu, sending flowers, breakfast, various small gifts, and even wanted to send guzheng and guqin, etc., all men think of chasing girls He has tried all of his skills.

It is a pity that Xiao Jiayu now has his own heart, and Li Yun has also said that Liu Gaojie has problems, so all those who are familiar with the road have rejected Liu Gaojie's kindness.

On the surface, Liu Gaojie is still pursuing Xiao Jiayu with perseverance, but secretly he is already planning some conspiracies to get her into the bag faster!

After the last class on Friday.

In front of the Masatilla luxury car on the side of the road, Xiao Jiayu and Li Yun parted, and said with a smile: "Li Yun, don't forget to discuss the company opening tomorrow, then I will pick you up at your house~ "

This weekend Li Yun chose to go home, but Li Yun touched his nose embarrassedly and said, "Miss Murong said last night that she would pick me up."

Xiao Jiayu's eyes widened, and she was extremely upset in her heart. She couldn't imagine that Miss Murong was ahead of her again!

"Well, I have found two tutors for your sister. They will be there tomorrow morning and will be responsible for teaching Caixia and the others to learn music and painting. I will call you to confirm when that happens!"

She was secretly proud, Miss Murong must have never expected this.

"Uh, thanks..."

Li Yun still wanted to say thank you, but he closed his mouth as he thought of that evening.

Xiao Jiayu smiled and said, "I am also for the sake of Caixia, but I didn't specially come to help you~! So be it, see you tomorrow."

"see you tomorrow!"

"And you guys, see you next week~"

"Well, see you next week!"

When Xiao Jiayu got on Masatura and left, Huang Shangshang and Qin Licai next to him looked at Li Yun with weird faces, and Li Yun's heart looked fraughty.

Huang Shangshang had such an expression as expected, and said, "Li Yun, you and our monitor are now boy and girl friends, right?"

"No." Li Yun said this sentence with a guilty conscience.

"Not yet?"

Qin Li patted Li Yun on the shoulder exaggeratedly, "Jia Yu is helping you start a company and asking your twin sister for tutoring. This is better than boyfriend!"

Li Yun could only say helplessly: "It's really not, at least not now."

"Oh~" Huang Shangshang shook his head and sighed, "I really don't know what you think. You don't want a peerless beauty like Jiayu, who is still evasive. Wouldn't you like that Miss Murong?"

Qin Li interrupted and said, "Isn't that Miss Murong heard that it is cold? I think Jiayu is better, and it is in line with the aesthetics of normal people!"

Seeing Li Yun still not speaking, Huang Shangshang persuaded: "Li Yun, don't think about grabbing with both hands, but don't regret it after you missed our monitor."

Li Yun gave a wry smile and said, "I will take care of it."

A man would regret missing any of them.

Every time this topic is mentioned, Li Yun feels extremely troubled, and in the end he can only give his choice to time.

Huang Shangshang curiously asked: "Li Yun, what company do you want to open? A game company?"

"Yes! I have a small game I want to make."

"Do you want to rely on this game to win a 100 million yuan bet with Jing Xiucheng?"


Huang Shangshang and Qin Li were amazed, Huang Shangshang said: "A game that can earn 100 million yuan, can't be called a small game!"

Qin Li said enviously: "Li Yun, your company will really make a hundred million in the future, so let's just go to your company after the monk and I graduated!"

"Yes, yes! I can write programs, so I just have a meal!"

Li Yun smiled and said, "Do you trust me so much?"

"Damn, you are so awesome, of course I believe you!"

"Okay, let's talk about it when you come to visit."

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