Godly Master’s System Plug-in

Chapter 274: Being alone with Xiao Jiayu (middle)

The two were silent for a while, and Li Yun sighed for a long time, feeling dissatisfied with his Chao Qin Muchu.

He only said to choose Miss Murong on the front foot, and then said that there was no answer on the back foot. It was even more hateful than the person who was riding two boats. He could not forgive himself.


Xiao Jiayu's current voice is unusually soft, even the seemingly angry hum makes people feel rippling after hearing it.

"What are you still sighing? Miss Murong and I are..."

She couldn't speak anymore, and Li Yun understood what she meant, and said apologetically: "Jiayu, do you think I'm too bad?"

"You suck~!"

Xiao Jiayu scolded him many times, cowards, fools, meanies and so on.

"But I still like it."

This sentence made the two of them shy. After breaking the relationship, Xiao Jiayu also became bold. Since he is a passive man, she had to choose to take the initiative!

Li Yun said, "Jiayu, have you ever wondered what you will be like in the future?"

"Live with someone I like."

This time, Xiao Jiayu answered quickly and looked at Li Yun intently, showing no sense of shyness.

Because she could feel that Li Yun was very serious now, which made her take Li Yun's problem seriously.

Li Yun was stunned for a moment before he said, "No, I'm talking about life goals."

"Life goal... Originally I wanted to say to be with you, but it seems that you are not asking."

Xiao Jiayu said these words shyly. She was afraid that a passive person like Li Yun would not know her intentions.

"Probably no different from ordinary people."

Xiao Jiayu said: "When my sister was still sick, I didn't think too much, so I studied step by step, learned a lot for Xiao Xi, and then went back to tell her."

"What now?"

"I don't have much ideal right now."

Xiao Jiayu looked at him and said, "Probably after graduation, I started to learn how to manage the company while studying for a master's or doctoral degree. If Xiaoxi wants to take over my parents’ company in the future, I will give it to her. I will start a business by myself. If I don’t take over , Then I can only come by myself!"

Needless to say, the relationship between their sisters will not be the kind of people who oppose the purpose for the sake of family property.

If you didn't meet Li Yun, Xiao Jiayu would probably go abroad for a year as an exchange student in her junior year, but now, she wants to spend more time with Li Yun.

Li Yun nodded, "Are there any specific goals, such as making the company become the world's top 500, or entering the top 100 wealth list."

Xiao Jiayu snickered and said, "My dad is now one of the top richest people in China, and he is also ranked in the top 100 in the world~"

"Uh...what about your Jiayu Charity Foundation, do you have any goals?"

"Foundation? Xiao Xi is not in good health, so I thought of starting a children's charity foundation." Xiao Jiayu said: "Charity is a long-term thing to do, and long-term water is the last word, so I won't invest too much."

She said something in front of Li Yun and would not deliberately say those scenes in front of the media.

Li Yun also agreed with her point of view that it is impossible to donate all of the family property for charity, just do what you can.

Xiao Jiayu asked: "You suddenly asked me about my life goal. Is there anything you want to tell me?"

Li Yun was a little embarrassed, but still told her what Xiao Jiayu had seen and thought when he was speaking on the podium.

"Li Yun!!!"

Xiao Jiayu's eyes widened, she stared at him, and said in surprise, "I don't think I would be so high in your mind!"

It's shining as brilliant again, and it's as bright as a star, and it's simply praised her to heaven!

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