Godly Master’s System Plug-in

Chapter 271: One sword jianghuming

As soon as the instructor announced the end of the play, Liu Gaojie couldn't wait to sign up for the party with Xiao Jiayu. It seemed that he had been well prepared.

Xiao Jiayu was taken aback, took out his notebook and pen and said to him: "Which program do you want to sign up for? Let me explain to you first. I need to report the program. Can I pass the school program review? You will need to go to the scene. Perform it."

"I know below."

"Okay, what's the content of your show? What's the name?"

Liu Gaojie smiled and said, "Jiayu, I want to invite you to perform with me!"


Xiao Jiayu was a little surprised. She was worried that Li Yun was angry before, but now that Liu Gaojie invites him, he might change his face immediately!

She turned her head to look at Li Yun, but didn't find anything wrong with him. This made Xiao Jiayu a little discouraged. This person hid his mind again, making her unable to guess his thoughts!

"Yes it is!"

Liu Gaojie recalled: "In the Tianshan School three years ago, I was fortunate to visit with my elders, but I didn't expect to meet you unexpectedly on that occasion."

What occasion?

The people around are listening attentively. Is there any unspeakable past between Liu Gaojie and Xiao Jiayu?

"My apprenticeship feast is not a strange occasion!"

Xiao Jiayu said it proactively, and she doubted in her heart that Liu Gaojie said this deliberately, just to tell Li Yun!

"Jiayu, did you still apprentice a teacher?"

Li Yun didn't react much, and smiled at her, making Xiao Jiayu discouraged again. This person is really hateful!

"Yeah, what happened when I was 15 years old is all in the past, so I don't want to mention it now."

Xiao Jiayu didn't want to talk about the rivers and lakes. She had always refused to enter the so-called rivers and lakes, and couldn't like that kind of place with many rules.

Liu Gaojie continued: "At your apprenticeship banquet for Jiayu, Jiayu's guzheng song "One Sword Jianghu Ming" was astonishing and shocking. It reminds me now as if it was still ringing in my ears. general!

At that time, Jiayu, you said that it was a pity that there was no one who danced swords. So, if you are brave enough, I would like to invite you and me to perform together. You play the guzheng and I dance the sword. I believe this will make this song more perfect! "

After Liu Gaojie finished speaking, he stared at Xiao Jiayu with eager eyes, waiting for her reply.

Qin Li glanced at Chen Bofan, and said to Xiao Jiayu: "I heard that the monitor, you are proficient in all kinds of piano, chess, calligraphy and painting. We have to appreciate this new year party!

He silently thought that there was another suitor next to Xiao Jiayu, and Chen Pofan's chances might become increasingly slim!

The surrounding students booed and all expressed expectations for Xiao Jiayu's performance.

As the pearl of Zhonghai City, their class leader has been in school for a month, and his talent has not been shown yet. He taught the students to dance ballroom dance before, which is really unreasonable!

Xiao Jiayu also knew that he couldn't hide, but now if he agreed to his request, the petty guy next to her would definitely be jealous!

One playing the guzheng and the other dancing the sword, after arriving on the stage, I am afraid that my classmates will booby and say they are a pair of heaven and earth!

"Sorry, I have already arranged an appointment with Li Yun to perform together on stage."

Xiao Jiayu secretly winked at Li Yun, who was still confused, and asked him to cooperate!

Before Li Yun spoke, Liu Gaojie said, "That's okay. If I play this guzheng, I can fight against classmate Li Yun, which is more in line with the title of "One Sword Jianghu Ming"!"

The two swords are added together to make a clank sound.

"This one……"

Xiao Jiayu looked at Li Yun. As the monitor, she was no longer suitable to say rejection.

Li Yun hesitated and said, "It's OK to do it, that's..."

"What is it?"

"It's just that I haven't learned swordsmanship, I'm afraid the dance is not good!"

Xiao Jiayu thought he would not agree, and immediately became happy after hearing this, "It's okay, I'll teach you, and I will learn soon!"

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