Godly Master’s System Plug-in

Chapter 263: Tai Chi Master (Part 2)

After being slapped by Li Yun, the blood bat staggered forward for several steps and almost fell to the ground. The blood in his chest rolled over, and a mouthful of old blood almost spurted out of his mouth.

"Good! Wonderful!"

Everyone in Murong's family shouted, Li Yun's use of softness and firmness was truly wonderful!

Overcoming rigidity with softness, everyone knows what it means, nothing more than following the direction of the force, followed by a buffer, and slowly dissolving the impact of the force. This is soft traction.

It's simple to say, but it's still extremely difficult to actually do.

Because this is a real combat technique, it is absolutely impossible to use such superb fighting skills in life struggles without experiencing thousands of battles!

And because it is used when the battle situation is changing rapidly, this requires the user's psychological quality to be very tough!

"Wow! That's amazing!"

The little maid applauded vigorously. As the maid who grew up in the Murong family, she was naturally familiar with these martial arts.

The blood bat stood still, took a deep breath, and moved his fingers fiercely with claws.

"I'm driving you crazy! Die to me!"

He shouted violently, with both hands out, five fingers like eagle claws, and he rushed forward like a violent storm, violently attacking Li Yun's neck and heart.


The little maid became worried again. Every move Li Yun made was so anxious for her. His close fighting style was a hundred times more dangerous than others!

Miss Murong was relieved. Judging from her previous performance, Li Yun has extremely rich experience in fighting with people, and he is basically not his opponent below innate!

Murong Mingyue saw Li Yun still motionless, and she was surprised: "He really wants to use another hand to overcome the strength? But if this is caught by a blood bat, no matter how soft it is, it will be useless. You can pull your hand off with a single claw !"

After entering the fighting state, Li Yun's perception instantly strengthened several times than usual, and all the enemy's movements seemed to slow down.

Following the same procedure again, he stretched out his palm to meet the five claws of the blood bat.

"Hmph, although I haven't practiced fingers, my strength alone is enough to tear the palm of your little white face!"

As soon as the hands of both sides touched each other, they immediately fought each other quickly.

The blood bat wanted to grasp Li Yun's palm, but Li Yun kept acting with his strength. In the end, it was like a hand with a blood bat in action. All the moves of the blood bat were completely taken by Li Yun. Take control!

Murong Mingyue's eyes almost protruded, "What the **** is this trick? Is this reaction speed still human?"

The offensive side is always faster than the defensive side, because you don’t know when the opponent changes moves, you can only make the corresponding defense after the opponent changes moves.

However, Li Yun was able to take all of the blood bat's changes and take them all down, and used a soft and strong way to remove all his strength!

Gradually, the blood bat was shocked to discover that his hand was no longer under his own control, and was completely taken away by Li Yun!

Where did Li Yun's hand go in a circle, the blood bat's hand moved involuntarily. He couldn't use all the strength of his body. Li Yun completely controlled every move, and he could only struggle in vain.

The blood bat was horrified and wanted to leave, but came and left as he wanted, how easy it was!

Pulling Li Yun's hands, the blood bat involuntarily rushed towards Li Yun and slammed straight into the palm of Li Yun's five fingers together.


The tips of the five fingers poked the blood bat's heart, directly spitting blood out of his mouth, and his body bowed like a shrimp.

After doing his best to deal with evil, Li Yun slapped the blood bat on the back again and slapped him directly on the ground. After struggling, he was completely unable to move.

The blood bat fell to the ground and everyone was shocked.

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