Godly Master’s System Plug-in

Chapter 259: Cheated twice

With a gunshot, the blood bat had already reacted, and a lazy donkey rolled quickly, and rolled directly on the ground. After regaining consciousness, the whole person looked a little ashamed.

He ignored other things and hurriedly checked his body.

No trace of paint on the body!

"I won, hahaha! I won, hahahaha!!!"

The blood bat laughed freely and defeated a powerful opponent like Li Yun, which made him feel bad.

"Little white face, you still dare to pretend..."


The blood bat stopped the sound, because he saw that everyone on the other side laughed, and they all showed contempt at him.


There was a bright smile on the cute little face of the little maid. She shook her young lady’s arm vigorously and said with a grin: "Miss, the person opposite is so stupid. This is all fooled. The bad guy is really bad , He is too bad!"

Everyone present almost laughed, except for Miss Murong, she is absolutely faceless.

The blood bat almost fainted and looked at Li Yun, who was still holding his gun, with a green face, his lips trembled and he couldn't speak!

Li Yun smiled and said, "I'm sorry, because I only have one bullet, so I just simulated what a gunshot looks like!"

Just a fake shooting sound directly frightened the blood bat like this, just like the scared bird!

"Imitate you ***!"

The blood bat almost rushed over to beat someone, but in the end he endured it, looked at him with murderous eyes, and said: "I don't have so much time. If you **** dare to come again, you will just win!"

The little maid shouted: "Opposite, when you blackmailed Aaron just now, why didn't you tell Aaron to win?"

"Lao Tzu is what I say, you **** and buttless kid go away!"

The blood bat's words made the little maid puff her mouth angrily, "Miss, we will definitely hit him later, he is much worse than the bad guy!" She even said she had no chest and butt, even more unbearable. !


Miss Murong did not express any opinions. He would handle it if Li Yun was there.

Li Yun said, "Are you ready? I'm going to shoot this time!"

"If you want to open it, open it, where is so much nonsense!"

The blood bat said impatiently, but kept staring at Li Yun to prevent him from shooting suddenly.

"Then be optimistic, how did I beat you!"

The scene was solemn again, and everyone was thinking about what method Li Yun could use to win with a high probability.

Do you shoot directly?

In this way, we can only fight the strength of both sides. Although the probability of winning is not low, it will not be high!

The two sides were in a stalemate as before. Li Yun did not shoot, and the blood bats did not move. They kept staring at Li Yun.

Consuming it all the time will only benefit the blood bats on the defensive side, and the offensive side will inevitably lose its spirit if it does not act for a long time.

The little maid looked so nervous, she couldn't wait to give Li Yun ten eight bullets directly to blow the blood bat directly into the head!

"Blood bat, don't move, raise your hands!"

Li Yun said faintly, the thumb of his right hand was turned up and pressed, as if to open the safety switch of a pistol.



With a shot, the bullet accurately hit the huge nose of the blood bat, and the red paint directly shot him all over the face!

The authentic face is blooming!

Until it was hit, the blood bat was still standing there, holding his hands high, with a panic expression, and he didn't even make a move to evade!

Everyone whispered, and they didn't expect Li Yun to win the actual combat test of marksmanship so easily!

The little maid looked confused and asked, "Miss, what's the matter? Why did Li Yun say a word and the blood bat actually listened to his order and let him hit herself?"

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