Godly Master’s System Plug-in

Chapter 253: The battle between Aaron and the blood bat (part 2)

The blood bat looked at Ms. Murong, gave out a lewd smile, and said evilly: "Listen to the other side, I'm already exploding* your lady, if I don't come out, my belly will be bigger!"

"court death!"

Everyone in Murong's family drank loudly. The blood bats were no longer to provoke Aaron, but to specifically target Miss Murong. The dirty words he said were what he had in mind!

Along's face flushed red, and the blood bat insulted the eldest lady. As her bodyguard, this is tantamount to insulting him!

"To shut up!"

Aaron couldn't help it anymore and quickly stood up, but there was no tall blood bat in front of him.

He is behind Aaron's side!



Two gunshots sounded one after another. Along was shot in the back of his head, and the red paint smeared his head, looking very embarrassed.

After the blood bat fired a shot, he already knew that he was victorious, and Aaron's subsequent bullets easily avoided him.

"Hehehe, idiot, do you know who is Caipiao now?"

The blood bat laughed triumphantly and looked very arrogant!

Along's complexion grew more and more ashamed, and he walked to the front of Miss Murong and knelt down with his head almost to his chest, "Miss, I lost!"

Not only did he lose, but he also lost to this kind of trash that insulted the eldest lady, which made Aaron even more humiliated.

Miss Murong said: "Get up, it's not your fault, work hard next time."


Aaron didn't dare to speak much, he didn't dare to disobey the order of the young lady.

"Humph! Waste!"

The blood bat walked over and stood in front of Miss Murong proudly, showing off her muscles proudly, and said, "Beauty, depending on my figure, not only is my strength strong, but some aspects are stronger, hahaha!"

"Li Yun, hit him."

Miss Murong's words made Li Yun laugh. Missy always cherishes words like gold. The last time she faced Jing Xiucheng, she was so pretentious and domineering.

Li Yun stepped forward, his face calmed down, and said faintly: "You should be thankful, I just use a training gun instead of a real gun."

Otherwise, he would blow the blood bat's head with one shot!

The blood bat lowered his face, looked at Miss Murong again greedily, and said to Li Yun fiercely: "Little white face, I should say this! With a real gun, I didn't kill your kid! "

"Ha ha."

Li Yun picked up the training gun that had been reloaded with 6 rounds, and the ammunition capacity of the competition was also limited. Whoever shot 6 rounds first would lose.

I took this training gun and threw it up and down to feel the weight, then turned around quickly, and hit the target on the far wall directly.

0 ring, miss the target!


The blood bat laughed and said tauntingly: "Little white face, are you **** here to be funny? They can't shoot guns, what are you doing?"

Murong Mingyue smiled, and said to Murong Qi next to him, "Does this kid have any abilities? It's so awesome. If it's too ugly to lose, I have to talk to the old man and get rid of this kid directly. !"

The eldest lady of their Murong family must not be abducted by the incompetent!

Murong Qi's face was also not good-looking, Along lost before, as if it was his Murong family who lost.

"Let's take a look first, I don't think the person Qingyue fancy will be a waste."

Having said that, he and Murong's family are actually very bottomless. If Murong Qingyue is an ordinary girl, that must be the case.

The bad thing is Murong Qingyue's character, it is really unpredictable, it is not strange to do anything!

Once she decides something, I am afraid that Murong's family will have to compromise in the end.

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