Godly Master’s System Plug-in

Chapter 250: Strong in the outside world

"Short-sighted, bullying and fearful of hardship, stubbornness and respectfulness, I am afraid that waste is better than you!"

If Li Yun doesn't call, he is a blockbuster.

This blood bat couldn't see Li Yun's strength in front of it, it was short-sighted, and at the back he was afraid of the threat of Murong's family. It was easily stopped by someone because of bullying and fear of hardship.

The typical strong outsider in the middle, unbearable!

"You **** want to die, I...!!!"

The blood bat flushed angrily, but couldn't think of how to refute Li Yun!


The Murong family all burst into laughter, making the blood bats even more resentful towards Li Yun!

Murong Mingyue shook his head with a wry smile, and whispered to Murong Qi: "I didn't expect that the person I had worked so hard to find was like this!"

But both of them understood that it was not that the blood bat was too bad, but that the person he met was Li Yun, so he quickly revealed his details!

Murong smiled and said: "Mingyue, it's not useless, at least you can try this kid's depth."

"Also, take a look."

Murong Mingyue stepped forward and said, "Li Yun, didn't you say you want to compete with a blood bat before? You can start now!"

The blood bat was overjoyed immediately, and the competition couldn't be more than fists and kicks, as long as he picked up the gun, he would definitely be able to directly blow this kid's head!

"Little white face, just because you want to compare marks with me?"

The blood bat draws down the road first, lest this kid propose to try something else!

"Wow, it's so lively, so many people!"

When Li Yun was about to say something, the little maid’s cheerful and lively voice came over. When she and Murong Qingyue came to this monitoring room, it seemed to be filled with bright spring!

Even people who are familiar with Miss Murong are shocked by her beauty. As for the blood bat who saw her for the first time, his red eyes were widened and he looked straight at her and couldn't move away. !

"What are you looking at!"

The little maid scolded, everyone recovered, and everyone was embarrassed and turned away.

If you dare to be disrespectful to Miss Murong, you will definitely not be able to eat it!

"Qingyue, why are you here..."

Murong Mingyue was about to say something when the blood bats rushed over, looking at Miss Murong eagerly and greedily, and said with a lustful smile: "Beauty, what is your name? Are you interested in coming to spend the spring with me..."


Li Yun flew a kick and kicked directly on the blood bat's side waist. He threw him directly to the side with a huge force, and his whole body was lying on the ground with all four feet up and down!

Li Yun calmly retracted his feet, did not speak, but the little maid raised her eyebrows, turned her head and cursed at the blood bat: "You are so courageous, you dare to be disrespectful to my lady!"

Before everyone around could react, Li Yun had already acted. This surprised Murong Mingyue. This guy really cared very much for his sister.

"You **** want to die!"

The blood bat made a fool of himself in front of the beauty, and after jumping up with his hands on the ground, the big fist of the casserole whizzed towards Li Yun again.


Miss Murong's wonderful voice sounded, and the hearts of the people present couldn't help but sway, this voice is really nice!

The blood bat couldn't help but stopped, and looked at Miss Murong in surprise. If this kind of beautiful sound were made during the Spring Festival evening with him, how happy it would be!

The blood bat likes beautiful women, especially like crazy tearing of the beautiful bodies, making their beautiful bodies look like blood dripping, and his nickname for blood bats comes from this!

Seeing Miss Murong's beautiful appearance and perfect body curve, the blood bat's eyes became more fiery.

"Beauty, I listen to you, how about you listen to me later? Hey!"

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