Godly Master’s System Plug-in

Chapter 233: Miraculous

When the excitement of Xiao Jiayu's family stopped for a while, Xue Lao took Xiao Mingxi's pulse again.

"The pulse is stable. If you were a dying patient before, Girl Xi, you are now recovering from a serious illness. After a good care for half a year, you will definitely be able to recover!"

Old Xue's words did not surprise everyone, after all, the previous physique pill was amazing enough!

"Thank you Grandpa Xue, thank you Brother Yun~!"

Xiao Mingxi screamed sweetly, her voice was completely different from her previous weakness, and now it was full of the unique vitality of adolescent girls.

Chen Jingyi couldn't help asking: "Li Yun, what else do we need to do next?" She has completely believed in Li Yun now, and obeyed his words, as long as Xiao Mingxi can be cured!

"Xiao Xi, you sweat so much, did you drink water before?"

"Drink, while upstairs."

Xiao Mingxi appeared very well-behaved, holding Li Yun's arm tightly in her arms, looking up at him, and said, "I was so thirsty at the time. After brushing my teeth, I drank a lot~!"

Li Yun nodded, "That's good, I won't pay much attention afterwards, just make up my body slowly!"

"Replenish the body!"

Xiao Mingxi raised her hands and said innocently, "I'm so hungry now, and I'll be so hungry after my stomach hurts!"

After she has strength, she likes to move around, as if she wants to vent half of the things she couldn't do before.

Chen Jingyi smiled and said, "Then I will ask someone to prepare lunch, and invite all the distinguished guests to have a good meal at noon today!"

"Okay, Mom, we have a big meal!"

Xiao Mingxi waved her arms happily, making Xiao Jiayu who was sitting next to her worried, and afraid that she would suddenly pant.

When preparing a big meal, Xiao Mingxi was already too hungry, so he ate an apple to fill his stomach, but still said he was a little hungry.

Caixia smiled and joked that she was going to be a piggy, Xiao Mingxi's face was flushed, and the two girls soon played together again quickly.

This time I added the little maid and Plucking Wei. The little maid pestered Xiao Mingxi to ask questions and answers, and only let her go after satisfying her curiosity.

At lunch, Xiao Mingxi's performance once again surprised the Xiao Jiayu family.

She even ate two large bowls of rice and all kinds of meat and vegetables. She always had a happy smile on her face, saying that she wanted to let her stomach go for a long time.

After lunch, Ren Yuqi and Liu Jian'an both left. They originally wanted to perform well this time, but they did not expect that the Xiangxi sacred hand invited by Ren Yuqi did not play any role. Instead, the humble Li Yun saved it. Xiao Mingxi!

It's just that Ren Yuqi saw Xiao Jiayu saying goodbye to him with a smile. He thought that Xiao Jiayu had a good impression of him, so he said happily that he would visit him again when he was free.

A beauty like Xiao Jiayu, a man would not give up easily.

It's just that the two of them didn't say a word to Ms. Murong in the end. The lady remained cold throughout the whole process. Except for Li Yun and the little maid, she rarely spoke to others.

Xue Lao also left, saying that he went back to study the Physique Pill he had obtained, and see if he could imitate one.

Xiao Jiayu said goodbye to him again, the expression on his face was as cheerful and generous as ever, and the smiling thief was happy.

Li Yun understood a little bit, Xiao Jiayu is gentle and polite to everyone, except for being strong to him!

"What are you doing? Always watching me." Xiao Jiayu walked over and resumed his usual attitude towards Li Yun.

With a smile on his face, but with irresistible strength, it was a bit like acting like a baby with him.

Li Yun smiled and said, "It's nothing, just think that Jiayu, you have restored your smile, and you have changed back to the way you were in the past!"

"Hate, come to make fun of me again!"

Xiao Jiayu's face turned red, "Is it not beautiful when I am sad?"

"I think it's not as beautiful as it is now."


She knew what Li Yun meant, and he wanted her to be happy all the time.

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