Godly Master’s System Plug-in

Chapter 212: Report (below)

When the little maid told them about the recent events, the Murong family looked at each other. Unexpectedly, the relationship between the two has developed to this point in just one month!

Muronghua was full of disbelief, "After asking us to investigate, Qingyue actually met the kid the next day and hired him as a bodyguard. The two ran together in the morning! This, this, this!"

Wei Huahuo's face was weird, "My family Qingyue will actually help him move. It's really outrageous!"

"It seems that Yue'er is already very interested in Li Yun. With her cold temper, I'm afraid this man named Li Yun is my son-in-law?"

Xiao Liyou also sighed. If her daughter is passionate about someone, based on her character, I am afraid that in the future, he will only be regarded as him!

On the other side of the phone, the little maid said angrily: "More than that, the bad guy just came to the eldest lady, do you know what the lady did to him?"

"What have you done?"

"Miss, she smiled for the first time, and smiled at that bad guy!"


Muronghua almost squirted out a mouthful of tea, choking him coughing repeatedly, Wei Huahuo hurried to pat him on the back, "You old man, why are you in a hurry!"

"I'm not in a hurry. I was just sleepwalking. I heard Xing'er say that Qingyue laughed?"

"Old, sir, it's a real thing, Xing'er saw it with his own eyes!"

The little maid made a vowed guarantee, "The lady did smile at him at the time, and the beautiful girl didn't want it, she looked down on Xing'er!"

"Don't want the beautiful..." Xiao Liyou laughed, "Xing'er, what are you saying?"

"It's beautiful anyway!"

Xiao Liyou sighed again and said helplessly: "Before I thought that Li Yun was only half the possibility of being my son-in-law, now it seems that at least this possibility is 90%!"

"how so!"

Murong Hua's face was incredibly unbelievable, "Qingyue actually smiled at a man who had only known him for a month!"

Wei Huahuo rubbed his head and said: "Qingyue has found her own happiness and feelings, and she is helpless. It seems that Li Yun can please Qingyue very much."

Otherwise, her granddaughter could not laugh happily.

Xiao Liyou asked, "Xing'er, how is Li Yun treating Yue'er? Yue'er won't be bullied by him, right?"

With her daughter's personality, Xiao Liyou really worried that she would not be bold enough when getting along. If she was also in a passive state, she would definitely be eaten by that man!

"Of course that bad guy...!"

The little maid was about to say that of course she bullied the lady, after all, he had been tempting her lady to say those shameful things.

But in the end, she still couldn't say it. After all, the young lady at that time said those words proactively and unconsciously.

"Of course what?"

"Of course I love the lady very much, after all, the lady is so beautiful!"


The ambiguous words of the little maid shocked everyone again, and they couldn't imagine that Murong Qingyue, who was always cold, would actually have the day when he would be spoiled!

"Anyway, he... barely okay. Although it's bad, he cares about the young lady!"

Xiao Liyou asked curiously: "For example?"

The little maid said: "After finding out what happened today, he chased after the person from Sun's family. After he went to the police station and came back, he came to the young lady to talk about these things, and said he wanted to arrange security work personally. It's useless, but it's a kindness!"

Xiao Liyou nodded slightly, "It's okay, what about other aspects? Did Li Yun ask Yue'er to do anything? What is Yue'er's usual attitude toward Li Yun?"

"I didn't ask for anything. The bad guy didn't have the guts, and he was obedient to the young lady, right?"

Xiao Liyou laughed, and Xing'er used the word to follow his words. No wonder Li Yun was very fond of Murong Qingyue before.


The little maid nervously told about what she had concealed Xiao Jiayu before. She also pointed out that not only did they go to help Li Yun move together yesterday, they will also go to Xiao Jiayu's house tomorrow together!

"...Xiao Jiayu?"

"Yes, sir!"

Muronghua was furious: "This **** kid, not only eats the bowl, but also looks at the pot?"

Xiao Jiayu, who is as famous as Murong Qingyue, is actually related to Li Yun?

Xiao Liyou also frowned. Originally thought that the two of them were in a clear situation, but they were mixed up with an equally good Xiao Jiayu? !

Perceiving the tense atmosphere now, the little maid said: "It was the young lady who asked to go to Xiao Jiayu's house to play."

She still didn't understand why the lady would make this request.

Xiao Liyou was taken aback, smiled helplessly, and said: "Yue'er is really unexpected, I can't help it, Xing'er, you can help her."

She didn't expect her daughter to be so proactive in terms of feelings. Maybe she doesn't have to worry so much, her daughter will do very well!

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