Godly Master’s System Plug-in

Chapter 208: Miss Innocence

Seeing her cute head tilting, Li Yun couldn't help making a small joke to her.

"Thank you, I'm very happy."

Miss Murong replied happily, she didn't have much complicated thoughts, she just wanted to say what she wanted.

"I'm here, look at it."

Her beautiful voice stunned Li Yun again. The young lady's mind was so pure, she didn't realize that Li Yun was joking!

Moreover, Miss Murong asked Li Yun to see her, really...

The mind is pure and simple and straightforward.


Fortunately, there is a loyal little maid next to Miss Murong. She waved her hands vigorously to block Li Yun's sight, and said angrily: "It is forbidden to see the young lady, you are too bad, always tempting the young lady to say this...this Kind of shame!"

"I'm wrong."

Li Yun apologized honestly, "I was joking when I said that I can't wait to see you, Miss you, this time I came here for business!"

"What business?"

"Don't want to see me?"

The little maid asked what was the matter, but Miss Murong asked Li Yun another shameful topic, a imaginative topic!

Ignoring the little maid's angrily eyes, Li Yun said, "Of course I want to see you, Missy."

This sentence is true. Li Yun has been worried about her safety since she learned that Miss Murong was investigated.

Moreover, with her fairy-like temperament and appearance, which man does not like to see her.

"I know."

Miss Murong was happy again, nodding slightly to indicate that she knew Li Yun's intentions.

"Talk to business!"

After fighting with them, Li Yun almost forgot the purpose of coming here.

Murong Qingyue: "I'm listening."

Listening to her beautiful and soft voice, Li Yun's heart couldn't help shaking.

There is a saying that listening to others is the best respect for others.

This sentence was put on the cold Murong Qingyue, but it added a bit of ambiguity.

The little maid has been unable to resist the fiery development of the relationship between the two of them. She only muttered something about not getting married, and she would definitely not help you warm up your bed, which made Li Yun completely unable to understand.

Li Yun talked about the Azure Dragon Gang first, Miss Murong nodded, "I know this."

She had sent someone to investigate, and she naturally knew about it.

"Actually, behind the Azure Dragon Gang, there is also a mysterious controller, a person codenamed Qinglong!"

Li Yun carefully observed Miss Murong's expression. It was still calm like an ancient well, like the quiet reflection of the cold moon in the lake.

"What about then?" The little maid said harshly, "Bad guy, you come here in a hurry, don't you just say this?"

"Recently, the police have been investigating Qinglong's arduous target, and until today, they have caught some clues about Qinglong!"

"Don't you say that Qinglong's goal is the young lady?"


Li Yun's affirmation caused the little maid to be astonished, and then she became furious and cursed: "Which **** dared to peek at my lady, who is living impatiently!"

She said that she was going to take out the phone and call the Murong family, so that they could face Qinglong.

"and many more."

Li Yun stopped her and said with a wry smile: "Wait for me to finish today."

After that, I told them about the Beggar Gang and Sun Hua. Of course, Li Yun, the nickname of "Murong Moon", didn't say it.

Miss Murong was very happy and said, "Li Yun, are you caring about me?"

Li Yun was embarrassed by her shining eyes, and nodded, "Of course, I am your bodyguard, Miss, of course I care about you."

"What if it's not a bodyguard?" she asked.

"Not a bodyguard also cares!"

"Hmm! I am very happy."

Ms. Murong received a satisfactory answer and immediately believed in Li Yun, but she did not ask others to investigate her matter.

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