Godly Master’s System Plug-in

Chapter 1614: Barber Shop

The female hairdresser introduced herself with a smile: "My name is Huang Shulan. I am the image design director of Rose Lover. I don't know what you call them."

"Li Yun, Wang Mengyan, Liu Peng, this long hair is Yu Mei'er, and today she wants to cut her hair a bit shorter."

Li Yun introduced separately, Wang Mengyan quickly interfaced, saying: "Meier doesn't want to cut it short, you can use it when you look at it, straighten it, or do some care. All you need is to look good and easy to move. "

Li Yun suddenly became embarrassed. He used to cut short haircuts. He didn't know how girls had haircuts.

"Okay, give Ms. Yu a comprehensive image design, right?" Huang Shulan's eyes lit up and asked in surprise.

Although Yu Meier is dressed as a bun, but seeing these people carrying large and small bags, and the bags are all brand-name stores, I think there is absolutely no shortage of money, the more you spend, the higher her commission will be.


Wang Mengyan nodded, and handed her the clothes Yu Meier was holding, and said, "This is the clothes we just bought. You can design it with you."


Huang Shulan took the bag and looked at it for a while. She was a little surprised, because it was full of valuable women's clothing.

She observed Yu Meier carefully again in surprise, and felt that this guest was really weird.

She was dressed in colorful clothes from the last era, her hair was thick and jet-black, hanging behind her head like a waterfall, but her skin was white, and her temperament was like a beautiful elf walking out of the forest, which shocked Huang Shulan's heart inexplicably.

It was the first time that she had seen such a beautiful girl with such an elegant temperament.

"Yu Mei'er, Yu Ji...Miss Yu, your name is really nice."

Huang Shulan said with a purple heart, she had already seen the natural beauty of this woman, as long as she was dressed up, it would definitely shock people!

Yu Meier stood stupidly, Li Yun coughed, looked up at the sky, and said, "Meier, others praise you, you should answer thank you."


Huang Shulan and Yu Mei'er were surprised at the same time, and Yu Mei'er said strangely: "Why do you learn to speak with mother-in-law? It's annoying!"

"I'm just teaching you!"

"Huh... I see, thank you."

"No, it doesn't matter."

The reason for Huang Shulan's surprise was because of Yu Meier's innocent character that day.

Is there such a pure and elven woman in the world?

Although it can be called stupid in a certain sense, Yu Meier's performance just now shows that she is not a stupid person, but only a few things, and she will have time to understand these people in the future.

It was like a piece of uncut jade buried deep in the mountains, about to emit a bright brilliance.

Huang Shulan took a deep look at Yu Mei'er. What kind of background is she from, what kind of place and kind of person can she raise such a natural and simple elven beautiful woman?

"Ms. Yu, please come with me. I will measure your body data first, so as to design the most suitable image plan for you."

"Measure your body...potato saw?" Yu Meier had an ignorant expression.

"Don't ask," Li Yun pulled her up, "just listen to her instructions."

"……Oh, OK."

Then another female clerk came over to Wang Mengyan and asked: "Classmate, do you need to trim your hair?"

"Ah? Me?" Being called a classmate, Wang Mengyan made a big red face. She has graduated for two years!

"Yes." The clerk smiled: "Your face is very cute. If you cut your hair a bit shorter, you will be more cute!"

"...Actually, I have already graduated."

"Huh?" Now it was the clerk's turn to be surprised, looked at her face and then at her breasts, and finally realized: "That's it, then, miss you, you need to cut your hair even more! Short hair looks capable. It will also make you more adorable."

Wang Mengyan looked at Li Yun, only when he saw that he had no objection, she blushed and agreed.

A woman is a person who pleases herself, Wang Mengyan naturally wants to be more cute, doesn't Li Yun just like to rub her face...

"How is this going?!"

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