Godly Master’s System Plug-in

Chapter 1591: Immortal Death (Part 2)

Life is alive, but in the end there is nothing more than a scratch of loess.

According to the mother-in-law’s wishes, everything is simple, just wrap it in a sheet. The burial objects are the things in her room, all of which are buried, and the burial shall not take more than an hour.

Li Yun and others looked at Yu Mei'er's movements, and seemed to understand why the mother-in-law made such a decision.

If you don't bury it soon, Yu Meier will probably never get out.

Ever since Granny Shen started digging, she kept crying and screaming to stop her, and it took Li Yun a lot of effort to stop her.

It wasn't until the soil was covered that Yu Mei'er suddenly fell down like a frustrated decadent, and she squatted blankly on the spot, looking at Granny Mietian's grave.

The crowd comforted her for a long time, but Yu Mei'er had never heard of it. She squatted on the ground, folded her hands on her knees, and looked at the little dirt bag blankly, her delicate and pitiful appearance was very distressing.

She refused to eat lunch. When everyone saw her like this, they were naturally not in the mood and just ate something hastily.

Under Li Yun's forcible action, Yu Mei'er was taken back to the house, but she still didn't speak, she remained silent, like a puppet.

Until the evening, when everyone was resting in the tent downstairs, Li Yun found a chance to talk to Yu Meier alone.

"Really not eating?"

"My mother-in-law wants me to take care of you, but you don't have any food now. Are you worthy of your mother-in-law?"

"Mother-in-law still wants you to defeat Xiantian. Do you still have the strength to fight like this?"

"We have said everything that should be said. Think about it yourself."

Yu Mei'er kept silent, and Li Yun couldn't help but exaggerate a bit, but he didn't dare to leave her alone.

She is too worrying now, like a person who has lost her life goal, without hope for tomorrow, and there may be accidents at any time.

But as soon as Li Yun looked up, through the moonlight, he clearly saw two lines of clear tears flowing silently from her eyes.


Li Yun looked at her with complicated emotions. Outside this barren mountain, there are only two people living together. Now the other person is dead. The feeling of the person left at this moment should be very helpless and sad. .

Li Yun reached out to hold her white and smooth little hand, and softly comforted: "My mother-in-law is gone, but you still have me, I will take care of you, and everyone. We all care about you very much. You will not be alone in the future."

Yu Mei'er turned her head and looked at Li Yun blankly. After a while, she suddenly said, "I want to see my mother-in-law's room."


Li Yun heaved a sigh of relief, and agreed, not allowing her to go before because she saw something hurting people again. Now that she can communicate well, she can naturally go.

As soon as she entered the familiar room, Yu Mei'er became excited again, and impulsively wanted to jump on the bed to feel the breath of her mother-in-law, but was firmly held by Li Yun.

"There is no point in doing this now, Meier!"

"Leave me alone, let me die!"

She quarreled for a long time before finally calming down again, sitting in a daze in the empty room.

"Do you miss your mother-in-law again?"


Li Yun opened his mouth, but didn't know what to say. He had already said too much, and now he said he didn't know if it would irritate her.

"last night."

Yu Meier took the initiative to narrate: "My mother-in-law told me a lot, and she asked me...to follow you in the future. From then on, I knew..."

Her gaze dropped, she dared not look at Li Yun again.

Li Yun smiled slightly and said, "If you don't dislike it, follow me out and I will take care of you."

Yu Mei'er raised her head with tears in her eyes, and suddenly asked, "Forever?"

"As long as you want, it will last a lifetime."

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