Godly Master’s System Plug-in

Chapter 1567: Wicked person

Several people went out, leaving the mother-in-law to rest alone.

Seeing Yu Mei'er going downstairs to cook alone, Li Yun asked, "Do you want me to help? It's quite troublesome to cook a meal for seven people alone."

"No need, and, not your share!"

Yu Mei'er and Li Yun were particularly uncomfortable, adding: "There is no big fish or meat here. I think you are not used to it, so I won't prepare yours!"

"Let me come." Wang Mengyan said virtuously following Shangyu Meier's steps: "I'll help you light the fire, and we brought some food, and we will cook together later."

This time Yu Meier did not object.

Su Tanmeng and Le Zhiyin hesitated for a long time, but still did not follow. They were unfamiliar with cooking, and Li Yun used to cook soup.

Li Yun stayed on the balcony and read this book about the evil sect with Su Tanmeng.

The record in the book really happened three hundred years ago, which is consistent with what Li Yun overheard Jin Zhanbing said.

Three hundred and fifty years ago, there was a man of amazing talent, whose name is no longer remembered, and he was called Xie Tian according to the later story.

Xietian was born in a prominent family, and reached the congenital realm before he was 20. After that, he married a wife and had children, which was no different from the life trajectory of ordinary people.

If there is no accident, he may be in his mid-congenital mid-life around the age of 30, and late congenital at the age of 50. After that, his life achievements will probably stop here. At most, he will be lucky enough to break through to congenital perfection, just like countless geniuses in the world before. , Stop at the congenital realm.

The breakthrough master, there is no previous experience for reference.

But when Xietian was twenty-eight years old, just when he reached the mid-innate period, an accident happened.

At that time, there was a decent sect called the Open Fire Sect, who had a deep entanglement with the sect where Xietian belonged. The two sides had fought for hundreds of years and each had their own winners and losers.

During a certain trip, Xietian and his pregnant wife were intercepted by people of the open fire sect. The process book did not elaborate, only the result: Xietian’s wife and the child in the abdomen, both died, the xietian became demons, the open fire sect Several congenital masters were killed, and only one congenital later period escaped.

After entering the evil sky of the queen, the martial arts cultivation level is rapid. Two years later, it will reach the later stage of the innate. The open fire religion will be killed, and the whole family will be slaughtered. There are more than two thousand people, including eighty old people and down to infants. , Kill all.

"After entering the demon, but the cultivation base is thousands of miles?"

Su Tanmeng said with a weird face: "How is this possible! I have never heard of this!"

"Never?" Li Yun asked back.

"Of course not!"

Su Tanmeng gave him a white look, "If you can get a big increase in your cultivation base, I guarantee that half of the people in the rivers and lakes want to get caught."

Entrapment does not mean something went wrong in the practice, but a mental barrier.

The main reason of the Taoist enchantment is that the distracting thoughts are not completely eliminated, so that these distracting thoughts are reflected in the stillness, turning into various illusions, and unable to get rid of them. "The Collection of the Evangelists of Zhong Lu" and "The Great Dan Zhizhi" etc. summarized them as ten demons, whose distracting thoughts originated from six desires and seven emotions, wealth and love, disaster swordsmen, sages, ghosts and goddesses, happy female sex, etc.

Xietian probably saw his wife dying in front of him at the time, so he couldn't get rid of his grievances and fell into a demon barrier.

Li Yun frowned, "Even if it enters the magic barrier, it is impossible for Xietian to defeat several innate masters in one fell swoop, and there is also a late innate stage."

Le Zhiyin said: "Perhaps, the book may not be accurate. I have read a lot of books with exaggerated words before."

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