Godly Master’s System Plug-in

Chapter 1554: Yuji Dance Swordsmanship (Part 1)

"Hmph, just hit it, say something to try."

Yu Mei'er blinked her eyes to let the tears flow, wiped away the remaining tears with her hand, and did these things in front of Li Yun and others indifferently, saying: "My mother-in-law said, my strength is not a few people in the whole arena. It's an opponent. Don't blame me if you hurt!"

After that, his figure flashed, he came to Ren Tianhao lightly and skillfully, and pierced out with a sword.

Her long sword is still very old. Although it is well maintained, it can still be seen that it is at least several decades old, and perhaps it was taken back by Granny Mietian eighty years ago.

But the long sword is outdated, and Yu Mei'er's footwork and moves are very delicate and swift. Wang Mengyan was startled. She only felt that she would stand up until a sword stabs out this series of actions, which is very fast. be terrified.

The long sword whispered, seeming to give out a warning. When Ren Tianhao saw her figure, he could only hurriedly raise his sword to parry.


The sound of the golden and iron cries sounded, the two sides only tried a little bit, but Ren Tianhao was still beaten to take a step back, a strong force came from his hand, and the sword almost flew out of his hand.


Yu Mei'er showed an expression of pride that I was really strong, and shouted: "I only used a layer of strength just now. If this can't stand it, give up as soon as possible!"

A layer of strength?

Everyone looked at this beauty with snow-white skin in amazement. If Ren Tianhao, who had only one level of strength, took a step back, her strength would be at least the latter, or even consummation!

Ren Tianhao steadied his footsteps, with an angry expression on Jun's face, he said loudly: "Next Ren Tianhao, known as the sword of pride, comes from the Jiuhua School of Qingcheng Mountain in Xishu, please enlighten me!"

Yu Mei'er said disdainfully: "If you want to fight, fight. There is so much nonsense. The mother-in-law is right. You are really annoying and hypocritical."


Ren Tianhao ignored this sentence and said, "The Jiuhua School has a sword technique called Jiuhua Sword Art. Girl, please be careful."

After that, the first to attack Yu Meier.

"Chunhua freshman!"

His long sword trembles lightly, making a sharp sound of breaking through the air, the infuriating energy revolves, the sword glow surging on the sword, a sword pierces, and the person illuminated by the brilliant sword can't open his eyes, just like the new sun. Dazzling.

"Huh? This is a good trick." Su Tanmeng said in surprise.

Le Zhiyin admired: "Although Senior Brother Ren's move is only the starting method of Jiuhua Sword Art, he has already practiced into the realm and integrated his own insight into the sword art. It is actually a faint breakthrough in the limitations of Jiuhua Sword Art. , Meaning to become a family."

Although her cultivation level is no better than Su Tanmeng, she far exceeds her in terms of insight.

After all, I read a lot of books.

On the field, Yu Meier smiled faintly. The old sword in her hand faced the sky full of sword light, stabbing it out without any fancy. Suddenly, there was a crisp sound and the smoke dispersed. Ren Tianhao's attack was accurate by her. The interception live.

"The fancy swordsmanship is useless to me." Yu Meier smiled and said: "My mother-in-law taught me a lot of exquisite swordsmanship, but after I learned it, I felt that it was nothing more than that, so I created a swordsmanship called Yu Ji dances swordsmanship."

"Yuji dance swordsmanship?"

"Hey, it means," Yu Meier said triumphantly: "Swordsmanship in the world, but that's all, it can only be performed for people. It is a juggling thing. My Yuji dance swordsmanship can break all swordsmanship! "

Everyone was shocked, and Ren Tianhao said angrily: "The girl is so loud, then Ren will come to learn how exquisite your so-called Yuji dance swordsmanship is, and dare to break all swordsmanship!"

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