Godly Master’s System Plug-in

Chapter 1543: Find (below)

"Under Li Yun...!"

"Stop shouting."

When Li Yun yelled for the third time, a person quickly ran from a distance. He stepped on the peach blossom tree, his body rising and falling, floating like the wind, as agile as a dragon going out to sea.

"It's you! It really is you."

Li Yun looked at the visitor in shock. It was the female stall owner that he had seen before in Xining Town.

The disguised female stall owner showed her true face, and she was as beautiful as Su Tanmeng and Le Zhiyin.

She was probably in her twenties, and she was the same as before, wearing crude burlap, but the turban tied to her head was gone, and her thick black hair was exposed, as if she was reborn, which was amazing.

Her black hair was so long that she had to cut it directly, letting this long waterfall-like black hair hang straight to her calf, only tied a knot at the end randomly to tie it up.

The long piece of hair in the middle is just casually placed, looking a little fluffy and messy, but it doesn't detract from her beauty, but it makes people feel that there is a very primitive beauty.

But what is even more shocking is that her skin is scary white, and the exposed skin of her hands, face, neck, etc., is white and dazzling.

And it's not sickly pale. Although there is no blood on the skin, it does not make people feel that her body is unhealthy. It is a pure white, without a trace of impurities, and is extremely pure.

In this dark evening, her skin was still white and dazzling, as if it could reflect light.

Snow-white skin, bright red mouth, black hair like waterfall, against the background of the latter two, her white skin looks more and more outstanding, like a ghost walking in the dark night.

No wonder villagers who strayed into this place would say they encountered ghosts.

Li Yun suddenly thought of this and asked, "My name is Li Yun, are you...?"

"What's the matter?" She said impatiently.

"...You live in this Huanhua Valley, a disciple of Granny Mietian? How should I call you?"

"Yu Meier."

She assumed that she was indeed a disciple of Granny Mietian.

Hearing the name, Li Yun looked at her strangely. Although she was beautiful and her skin was white and smooth, she wanted to caress her.

However, Yu Mei'er's temperament has nothing to do with the word'mei'.

Although the expression on her face is very impatient, she can tell at a glance that Yu Mei'er is a person with little contact with the outside world and a little withdrawn.

Coupled with a coarse linen, like a village girl, it is too far from the charm.

It can be said that Yu Mei'er does not have the slightest feminine charm of a woman, but Li Yun thinks that Long Fengming is more in line with her.

"It's okay to leave quickly, you are not welcome here." Yu Meier said coldly, turning around and leaving.

"and many more!"

Li Yun told the story of her companion being trapped, and Yu Mei'er said lightly: "It's nothing, these floral fragrances just relax the mind. As long as the fragrance of flowers dissipates in the morning, people with natural cultivation will naturally wake up. "

This means that innate masters are not like ordinary people, so she doesn't need to find them.

"It can be nearby..."

"There are no cliffs and no dangerous places nearby."

Yu Mei'er interrupted him coldly and said, "You are not allowed to destroy the fruit trees here, just like that, I'm leaving!"

"Etc., etc!!!"

Li Yun stopped her again, Yu Mei'er spoke too fast, she seemed to want to end the conversation immediately and return home immediately.

Yu Mei'er looked at him coldly for three seconds, stretched out her hand in her arms and took out a ten yuan and two one yuan bills, and threw it to him when she raised her hand, saying: "Return to you, you can cut down some fruit trees and take away the other money. Repay the debt, don't come again, and I don't want to owe you money!"


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