Godly Master’s System Plug-in

Chapter 1540: Ecstasy Floral

Le Zhiyin was a little surprised. Li Yun had been absent-mindedly looking around since just now. Even if it was Su Tanmeng who was dancing in front of him, he didn't look at it. This made Le Zhiyin who wanted to see Li Yun's reaction. Not only surprised, but also very strange.

It stands to reason that there are so many girls around Li Yun, they shouldn't be talented people who are not good at cesium, right, but how...

"Hmph, you **** actually called my name directly, this is what Zhiyin can call!"

"Stop it, it's dangerous!"

"I don't stop, la la la~~~, have the ability to chase me~~"

Everyone looked from a distance, and the red on Su Tanmeng's face was shocking. What happened to her?

Afterwards, what shocked them even more was that Su Tanmeng tapped his toes to the ground, and his body floated up and fell behind a dense huge peach tree, completely disappeared.

"Little Dream?"

Le Zhiyin frowned. Is Xiao Meng playing with the crowd?

"not good!"

Li Yun's expression changed, and he rushed to the front, and came to look behind the peach tree. Sure enough, Su Tanmeng's figure disappeared completely, not knowing where he was hiding.

"Huh?" Le Zhiyin followed Li Yun's pace and asked nervously, "What about Xiaomeng?"

Li Yun didn't answer, he sniffed the surrounding scents, and the more he smelled it, the frown became tighter: "The fragrance of flowers here seems to confuse people's minds and make people fall into a state of trance and confusion."


Le Zhiyin exclaimed, turned his head around uneasy, and shouted: "Xiao Meng?! Where are you?"

No one answered.

"Su Tanmeng!"

"Su Tanmeng! Come out quickly for me! Otherwise I will get angry!"

This was the heaviest tone she had used to Su Tanmeng. If Su Tanmeng heard it, he would definitely respond.

However, the surroundings are still silent.

Le Zhiyin almost cried out in a hurry, and shouted hoarsely: "Xiaomeng, come out! I'm not angry anymore, come out."

The surroundings are silent.

Even Wang Mengyan and Ren Tianhao had no voices.


Li Yun finally realized that not only Su Tanmeng, but also Wang Mengyan behind him were lost!

They didn't follow up. The distance between the two parties was only ten meters, but they were able to follow them.

"What the **** is this, this, this?"

Le Zhiyin's face was pale, and he couldn't help but leaned against Li Yun, and said in panic, "Where did Mengyan and Tianhao go? Where are Xiaomeng?"

After shouting Wang Mengyan's name again without responding, Li Yun forcibly calmed down and exchanged for a detoxification pill in the system store to eat.

Detoxification pills can cure hundreds of poisons, and I believe that the mental psychedelic caused by the surrounding flowers can also be relieved.


Li Yun glanced at Le Zhiyin. She didn't know the detoxification pills, and it was troublesome to explain. Li Yun wasn't sure whether she believed her or not, so she didn't give her one, but said, "There is anything abnormal in your body. , Just tell me, I have an antidote. How are you feeling now?"

Le Zhiyin heard the words, looked at the Detoxification Pill box in his hand, took a deep breath, and tried to run Zhen Qi again, and found that his body was normal.

"I'm fine." She thought to herself that this thing is probably very expensive, so Li Yun didn't use it directly for her.

"Okay, next, you take the corner of my clothes and follow me, how about?"

Of course, the relationship between the two cannot hold hands directly, unless they are a couple, otherwise holding hands is too ambiguous.


But even so, holding the corner of her clothes is already enough to make people shy. The blush on Le Zhiyin's face became more obvious, making Li Yun wonder if she was also hit.

"If you have any discomfort, you must say it!" Li Yun emphasized again.

"Okay, I will. Listen to you."

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