Godly Master’s System Plug-in

Chapter 1538: Valley (below)

After getting Li Yun's first kiss, Wang Mengyan finally recovered and hurriedly pulled him to catch up with Le Zhiyin, or Su Tanmeng would yell again.

However, Le Zhiyin looked back at her blushing and joyful cheeks, as if she understood something.

"It turns out that they are really lovers."

Le Zhiyin felt disappointed and felt a little empty in her heart, as if she had lost something important in her life.

However, she heard that Li Yun, Xiao Jiayu, and Murong Qingyue have a close relationship, but now why...

Wang Mengyan recovered and began to take the initiative to find a topic to chat. She and Su Tanmeng were quite able to chat. Both of them have a strong personality, and they are very busy.

In the minds of several people, they found the mountain road marked on the map.

"Strange, there really is a mountain road here."

Su Tanmeng stepped on it curiously. This mountain road was still made of flat stone slabs. There were small stones between the two stone slabs. There were not too many weeds on the road and it was well maintained.

"There must be people walking on this road often," Ren Tianhao concluded, "I just don't know if Granny Mietian did it."

"Go, go in and take a look."

Following the trail, Li Yun took the lead and walked forward.

Ren Tianhao was a little unconvinced, and calmly walked a few steps ahead.

Li Yun didn't care about his careful thoughts and walked in second place lightly. The Le Zhiyin behind them kept all these things in view, showing a faint wry smile.

It turned out that he didn't care about her, and he didn't have any thoughts to show, it was because she was passionate.

Along the way, a few people soon entered the valley.

Surrounded by dense woods, strolling among them, listening to the chirping of birds in the forest, smelling the fragrance of soil and flowers, there is a solid road under your feet, which makes people feel very comfortable, and the fatigue of the day has disappeared. less.

Su Tanmeng took a deep breath and said, "Let's camp here tonight. I like this trail. After dinner, you can take a walk and enjoy it."

Hearing what she said, Wang Mengyan couldn't help but glance at Li Yun. If she could walk with him, she would definitely be very happy.

However, Li Yun's face remained calm, without any expression, and he did not even reply to Su Tanmeng's words, which made Su Tanmeng quite unhappy.


"According to the legend, Magic Flower Valley is not easy, let's be careful."

Li Yun not only heard Su Tanmeng's meaning of "hey", but he didn't give her face at all, making her think about other things now and concentrate on it!

"Humph!" Su Tanmeng expressed his dissatisfaction with a cold snort.

"Obey." Le Zhiyin suppressed her dissatisfaction with two words, so that Su Tanmeng could only obey her.

I don't know if she wants her to listen to Li Yun or Le Zhiyin.

Ren Tianhao said: "The nearby villagers said that there is a mysterious valley here. After people enter, they can't get out like a ghost hitting a wall. They can only wait for a ghostly woman to rescue the person who broke in by mistake.

Although this is also a valley, in my opinion, the Huanhua Valley can trap people, mostly because the villagers are too scared to run around like headless flies. But with our strength, what valley can be trapped by nature? "

There are no illusion or maze formations in the arena, at most, like the Bagua Gate, there is a set of gossip sword formations, where eight people stand with swords in positions, and can move forward and backward freely in an integrated attack and defense.

"Ghost girl, who do you think it is?" Li Yun asked rhetorically.

"That goes to say, of course it is Granny Mietian!"

Li Yun smiled slightly: "If we suddenly met her, what do you think she would think of us?"

Su Tanmeng gave him a roll of eyes, "What do you want to say? Granny Mietian is a decent person, how could she do anything to us! Besides, we have my grandma's token on hand, she must know her."


Li Yun didn't think so much that she was probably a very stubborn person from the perspective of Granny Mietian's prohibition from returning to the Mietian faction.

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