Godly Master’s System Plug-in

Chapter 1530: Su Tanmeng's anger (middle)

"Grass, who the **** are you, your voice is like a woman's lips!"

The people inside the door couldn't figure out who was talking, and got up and walked outside.

Su Tanmeng probably didn't understand these rough words. Wang Mengyan and Le Zhiyin almost went underground in shame. These vulgar words shocked the two women who had not left the pavilion.

Knowing it's the same thing, but hearing a man say it with my own ears made both of them feel confused. They couldn't help thinking whether they would do the same for men if they got married in the future.

And Wang Mengyan, even more thought of, if Li Yun wanted her to do this, she would definitely be at a loss as to how she should deal with that thing, and she would definitely not serve her husband well.


Li Yun said in a low voice, interrupting their fancy thinking. Everyone quickly held their breath and lay in wait outside the door.

With a sound, the door of the wooden house opened. Before the people inside could see clearly, he felt a sharp pain in his neck and then fainted.

"you guys!"

The man in the room was about to scream, Ren Tianhao outside the door had already rushed in. Apart from anything else, he was stunned by a palm knife, maybe not. The man's neck became limp, probably dead.


There were also two women in the house. They screamed instinctively, but Wang Mengyan had already arrived, and Li Yun, one by one, and tightly covered their mouths.

Everything happened in a flash. The four people in the house were all subdued. The naked man outside the door was also forced by Le Zhiyin to endure his discomfort. He grabbed his shoulders and brought him into the door and closed it. door.

Le Zhiyin covered Su Tanmeng's mouth with one hand, and dragged the man in with the other. After he was done, he let out a long sigh of relief.

Su Tanmeng was really frightened. Fortunately, Li Yun had expected it before, and nothing went wrong.


Su Tanmeng looked at the two women inside in shock, her beautiful big eyes widened at the moment, with an unbelievable appearance.

Li Yun warned them not to speak in a low voice, and then slowly let go of their mouths with Wang Mengyan. After that, Wang Mengyan hurriedly covered the two women with a blanket and said: "It's okay, we're here to save you."

The two women turned their backs, whimpering and crying with their bottom voices, not daring to look at the three young and beautiful women in front of them.

Men don't care. After all, they have seen enough. They are afraid of Su Tanmeng, who is also a woman. The shocked expression on her face is what makes them ashamed.

"how so……"

When Le Zhiyin let go of the hand covering her mouth, Su Tanmeng said with a dull expression that her three views have indeed been greatly impacted.

A long iron chain was tied to the feet of these two women. The end of the chain was firmly nailed to the spot, making them unable to escape even if they wanted to. The scope of their activities was restricted to this wooden house. Can provide fun for this group of poachers.

It turned out that Li Yun meant this for women.

Su Tan dreamed of what Li Yun had been worried about before. When the village chief warned him, he realized that this group of poaching gangs might be hiding women.

Men and women, although Su Tanmeng didn't know too much, they also knew that they were naked on the same bed and the women were still tied up. There must be something unspeakable about them.

No wonder Le Zhiyin showed such a shy and angry expression before.

"I'm such a fool!"

Su Tanmeng thought with great sadness.

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