Godly Master’s System Plug-in

Chapter 1509: Suspected target (below)

Not long after a few people went out, Liu Peng received a call, reporting that the female stall owner's information had been found.

"After buying a lot of grain and daily necessities, and another bag of Xining Town's characteristic meat buns, she quickly left the town and entered the Xining Mountains, where she disappeared."

After listening to Liu Peng's words, everyone looked at each other, and the female stall owner became more and more weird.

Li Yun asked: "Food and daily necessities? How many catties?"

"At least 50 catties up, and just 30 catties of rice."

Everyone looks at me, and I look at you, but they are speechless.

"It's a pity that I missed it like this." Le Zhiyin said regretfully.

A woman carrying more than fifty kilograms of things into the mountain, this strength is not something ordinary people can have, even if she is not related to Mietian, there must be something worth exploring.

"What should I do now?" Su Tanmeng asked, but couldn't help turning his head to look at Li Yun.

Before, it was Li Yun who had made up his mind, and it was indeed the female stall owner who found clues to the suspected mother-in-law Mietian.

"Don't think about it, continue to the old site of Mietian faction."

Li Yun walked forward indifferently, causing Su Tanmeng to get angry, and went forward to grab the corner of his clothes: "What do you mean? I mean I think too much? The female stall owner doesn't care?"

"...Let go first, and pull and pull in what manner."

"Don't let go, say it!"

"My Oiran-sama, use your brain to think about it? How easy is it to find someone in the mountains? So, we have no choice but to wait for tomorrow to find the location of Huanhua Valley."

When he heard Li Yun say my oiran, Su Tanmeng's face flushed, and his face was hot. He couldn't help but thumped in his heart, but he still insisted: "If you don't look for it, how do you know if you can find it? !"

Li Yun said faintly: "Even if she finds it, if she is not related to the female stall owner, but is just a person who knows martial arts? Instead of wasting energy, it is better to aim at Huanhuagu."


Su Tanmeng was willing to rest, let go of his clothes and returned to Le Zhiyin.

When she turned her head, Su Tanmeng saw dumbly, and the few people behind him looked at her dumbfounded, expressing their shock at the ambiguous actions she had just made with Li Yun.

"Little dream, you..."


Su Tanmeng immediately rejected Le Zhiyin's guess, and whispered: "I only like you, that guy... I just got angry with him just now, next time I am absolutely not impulsive!"


Even so, Coke Zhiyin's mood is still very complicated.

It can make the arrogant such as Su Tanmeng take the initiative to pull the corner of her clothes and convince her with words. I am afraid that no man in the arena can do this.

Not even women.

Li Yun didn't think too much. Su Tanmeng's behavior is similar to that of male and female classmates in school, so he blurted out my Oiran.

Several people had their own ideas, and walked all the way to the old site of the Mietian faction, a quiet place hidden in the dense forest halfway behind the low mountain.

Li Yun took out the sword of love, cleared the weeds and vines in front, and opened a path for them.

The sword of love swung swiftly, and Li Yun’s speed was almost unaffected, but Su Tanmeng behind him couldn’t help but ask: "Hey, why did your sword suddenly stretch? I don’t look like it. There are institutions inside."

Normally, if there is a hidden section, the sword body will rise and fall obviously, but the sword body of Li Yun's kind of love sword is as smooth as one.


"Go to hell!"

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