Godly Master’s System Plug-in

Chapter 1490: Let's start together (Part 1)

"What? I'm going to Huanhua Valley with this rude fellow?"

Su Tanmeng and Le Zhiyin came together. She was frightened by Su Guilan's order and looked at Li Yun in shock, her proud and cold eyes were full of incredible expressions.

Su Tanmeng is still in that red dress, but changed to a different style. There are still many decorations on it. Among them, there are some beautiful little bells tied to the corners of the skirt. As she walks, the bells are jingling. , To add a bit of playfulness to her cold temperament.

"Xiao Meng, why do you talk like this."

Before Su Guilan and Grandma Shen had spoken, the Le Zhiyin beside her pulled Su Tanmeng’s little hand, and said with a soft tone and a three-point irresistible tone: "What happened last night, strictly speaking, this You should be grateful for Mr. Li's help."

"I want to thank him..."

Su Tanmeng didn't dare to defy Le Zhiyin's words, and mumbled to Li Yun: "Yes, I am not good, and thank you for what happened last night."

"this is nothing."

Li Yun looked at the rumored woman, Le Zhiyin, who was also known by the people of the rivers and lakes as the perfect combination of music and dance with Su Tanmeng.

Except for the exquisite facial features, slender body, and skin like jade, the first impression she gives is her quiet and graceful temperament, as if she was the daughter of an ancient nobleman, proficient in piano Chess, calligraphy, calligraphy and calligraphy, with a scholarly atmosphere, are in the minds of all scholars, and they are also the slender ladies that almost all Chinese men dream of.

Li Yun looked at her, and Le Zhiyin also looked over with water-like eyes, with a slight smile on her soft face, she did not show any shyness or other impolite behavior, but her eyes were slightly curious, as if she wanted to see clearly. Who is he?

Li Yun lowered his eyes slightly, staring at a woman who had not been out of the pavilion and kept seeing that it was a bit inconsistent with etiquette.

No one in the room gave an introduction, Su Tanmeng was a little angry, and Su Guilan had a cold personality. It was even impossible to ask Granny Shen to introduce.

Therefore, Li Yun simply skipped this, turned his head and said to Granny Shen, "I'm afraid it's a little inappropriate."

"What is inappropriate?"

Su Guilan said first: "Don't you still want my mother to go to Huanhuagu with you?"

She was still so choking.

Li Yun said, "No, I mean, I will go with Mengyan and Liu Peng, and that's it. Whatever you want me to bring, I will truthfully tell Granny Mietian, if she is still there. "

"No!" x3

The grandparents rejected Li Yun's proposal at the same time. Everyone looked at Su Tanmeng, who just refused to go with him.

Su Tanmeng took a few steps forward, took her grandma's hand, and said coquettishly: "Grandma, you are going to Huanhua Valley, what's the matter? If you must go, let my granddaughter take your place. Go ahead."

Li Yun smiled slightly, the feelings of their family are still quite good.

Su Guilan briefly told Su Tanmeng what was just now, of course, she only said that it was time to find Granny Mietian, but she didn't say anything else.

"In that case, I will go!"

Su Tanmeng immediately agreed, "Grandma, you always remember your mother-in-law. Even if your granddaughter is not filial, this is still in your heart."

Wang Mengyan looked at Li Yun, and she had ten thousand reluctances in her heart about Su Tanmeng's going with her, but what to do in the end depends on Li Yun's decision.

"Do you have to go?" Li Yun frowned. It is not impossible to go with four people, but there will be some trouble.

"of course!"

"I also need to go!"


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