Godly Master’s System Plug-in

Chapter 1486: Granny Shen (Part 1)

The next day, the three of Li Yun found Su Guilan and asked to see Granny Shen again.

Su Guilan took a sip of tea without hurriedly, and put the teacup on the table unhurriedly. After a long silence, she said, "My mother went to the flower viewing party last night."

"Huh?!" Li Yun and the three of them looked at her in surprise.

Su Guilan's face was full of icy frost, and she stared at Li Yun and said: "At the flower viewing party, you are a big show!"

"Don't dare." Li Yun bowed his head and admitted that he was wrong now.


Su Guilan snorted coldly, "At the flower viewing party in Baihua Valley, you are the first one in more than a hundred years. What else can you dare not!"

Li Yun didn't have much to say, he could see that although Su Guilan was angry, she didn't rush people.

Sure enough, Su Guilan said in a frustrated manner: "My mother asked me about your situation when she saw your amazing behavior last night, and thus learned about the Kongming Sect, the religious sect, and the reason for your coming here. Come with me Right."

From what she said, Su Guilan had been hiding things from her mother about the Kongming Sect and the gods.

Su Guilan led Li Ming and the three people through the hall, into the house, and after passing through the winding corridors, to the back mountain, a place where flowers are in full bloom, suitable for the cultivation of the world.

There is a two-story elegant wooden house, where Granny Shen lives.

Entering the door, there was only one maid waiting inside. After seeing Su Guilan, she bowed and saluted, and then walked upstairs to call people down.

Soon, the maid helped an elderly woman with a kindly smile to go downstairs. As soon as she met, she smiled apologetically to Li Yun and said: "The distinguished guests are here, and the elderly have lost their way to welcome them, but also look at Haihan."


Several people were shocked, and Su Guilan stared at her mother with widened eyes, not knowing why she was so respectful to a junior.

"Dare not dare, we are here to disturb Granny Shen."

The three of Li Yun hurriedly stepped forward to salute the younger generation, which made the look on Su Guilan's face much better.

If these people don't know what is good or bad, she must drive them out.

A few people were seated, there was not much room for hospitality here, it was an extremely simple table, and even the chairs were enough for the maid to move down from the upper floor.

After drinking tea, Li Yun asked straightforwardly: "Grandma Shen, do you know what we are here for this time?"

"I knew it last night."

Granny Shen's kind expression disappeared, and her face solemnly said: "Your act of taking people at the flower viewing party really scared me."

Everyone looked at Li Yun, and Su Guilan glared at him again. Wang Mengyan saw Li Yun sitting still and wanted to apologize for him, but didn't know Li Yun's thoughts, so she could only look at him restlessly.

"If I disturb you, I can only say sorry." Li Yun smiled faintly.

Su Guilan said coldly and sarcastically: "You seem to be completely unaware of your mistakes, the people in the military control department are really amazing."

"If you are even surprised at this, you will be even more shocked when you see the strength of the gods." Li Yun said: "This Yu Fengxuan just broke through the innate a month ago."

"So, you have to arrest people regardless of occasion?" Su Guilan continued to ridicule.

"That was better than the conspiracy of the Kongming faction, letting Yu Fengxuan force Su Tanmeng to decide that he should become the top leader."

After being ridiculed by this woman one after another, Li Yun was not polite, and directly broke the fact that Baihuagu was intimidated by others, and Su Guilan's faces were all ugly.

Liu Peng smiled secretly in his heart, shamelessly, talking about someone like Su Guilan.

"What nonsense are you talking about, when will Baihua Valley..."


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