Godly Master’s System Plug-in

Chapter 1484: Zhiyin and Tanmeng (Part 2)

Su Tanmeng looked up at her in surprise, but then fell down again and said: "I'm sorry, Zhiyin, I am not good, I shouldn't force you."

After Le Zhiyin said what he promised Su Tanmeng, there was a momentary space in his heart, as if his past self had died, and this was a new self.

The sacred view of love she had always insisted on was broken by Su Tanmeng, saying that it is impossible to not feel uncomfortable.

"No, I don't regret it."

Le Zhiyin looked at her tenderly and said: "Compared to unknown love, I still care more about you, Xiaomeng."

If she doesn't care, she will not come to the flower viewing party.

"Unknown love?" Su Tanmeng asked in surprise: "Are you not with Ren Tianhao...?"

"No, what do you think."

Le Zhiyin nodded helplessly on her forehead, and then said sadly: "Ren Tianhao is a very good person. He has known me for a long time. He is a rare and outstanding man, but I always feel that he still There are other men. Although I admire their personality and character, if I really like them, I can’t call them. So I also rejected him.”


Su Tanmeng looked at her with complicated eyes, Le Zhiyin was older than her. Although the people of the rivers and lakes are much later than the ancient marriage age, most of them get married late at the age of 24.

Le Zhiyin has not gotten married until she is close to 28 years old, not because of Su Tanmeng's harassment, but because she has been unable to find a suitable person, so she has been dragging.

"Perhaps as the previous man who pursued me said, I am gentle on the surface and treat everyone very well, but in fact, I am a person of low temper. I almost look at everyone, with a typical low eye and low hands."

Le Zhiyin laughed at himself.

"Who dares to say that to you!" Su Tanmeng said angrily: "The music theory praised by everyone on the rivers and lakes is that those men are not good enough, so you don't look down on Zhiyin."

And I, as the person who and Zhiyin and you are called the combination of music and dance, I am worthy of you!

Su Tanmeng thought happily in his heart.

"No, isn't Li Yun just like that?"

"Li Yun?"

"The gentleman's theory."

Le Zhiyin laughed and said, "I have read a lot of books, but I have never dared to make such remarks. A college student is a gentleman? What does Li Yun think? I kind of want to communicate with him now."


Su Tanmeng looked at Le Zhiyin with a smile on his face in shock, "Do you want to communicate with her? Zhiyin, aren't you a man who likes masculine temperament? That Li Yun can't do it, he just has a pale face and his demeanor It's very rude. It actually arrests people directly at the flower viewing party, and it also has that kind of weird mental attack. In short, it doesn't work. It doesn't meet your requirements, Zhiyin.

Su Tanmeng felt a little flustered, and she couldn't tell why.

Le Zhiyin looked at her strangely, "I'm just a little curious why he thinks like that, Xiao Meng, you are like this... do you like him?"

"How is it possible!!" Su Tanmeng immediately rejected, "I only like Zhiyin you!"

Le Zhiyin smiled slightly, and said: "Xiaomeng, it is a good thing that you have someone you like. Judging from the dialogue during the gentleman's theory, at least Li Yun is better than your big brother, and he won't keep mentioning me to win your favor. "

"Hmph, of course I know what he thinks, but I don't bother to pay attention to him. I want him to be the leader just to make him retreat."

"Okay. But, I still want to see what kind of person Li Yun is."

Le Zhiyin's desire to see Li Yun soon came true. The next morning, she and Su Tanmeng were called Su Guilana.

"What? I'm going to Huanhua Valley with this guy?"

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