Godly Master’s System Plug-in

Chapter 1476: Gentleman's Theory (Part 2)

After Xu Xufeng's call, to sum up... Actually, it was similar to ancient times.

Yu Fengxuan naturally disagreed with his point of view, and Xu Xufeng almost drew his sword from the ridiculous remarks. The fight between the two was ecstatic, and everyone and Su Tanmeng shook their heads again and again.

Li Yun could also see that this Yu Fengxuan was only opposing for the sake of opposition. In fact, he did not have his own ideas about what the Six Arts of Gentleman changed into. Whatever Xu Xufeng said, he could put forward an objection, which was justified. , After careful thinking, it becomes a shit.

"Stop!" Peony stopped everyone, and Su Tanmeng said rather boringly: "You two can't argue about anything, so let me order another person to come out and argue with you."



Seeing Su Tanmeng's slender hand pointing away from a distance, Li Yun was also surprised to point at himself with his finger.

"Yes, just you."

Su Tanmeng said blankly: "You said earlier that I owed you money and didn't pay it back. I was just about to ask you what you think."



Everyone was stunned and wanted to laugh, but they couldn't be rude in front of the beautiful lady, so they had to hold back, and wanted to laugh but couldn't laugh. The expression on their faces was very painful.

Liu Peng whispered: "Brother Li... I didn't expect this Miss Tan Meng to hear it."

"Idiot." A man who had not spoken much before said mockingly: "Miss Su only broke through the late congenital stage this year, and this distance is naturally not a problem."

As he spoke, he scanned a circle of people from the rivers and lakes who had just talked about Su Tanmeng. All of them went dumb and bowed their heads with embarrassment.

In other words, their conversation just now was all heard by Su Tanmeng!

"It's all because of this guy who speaks too much!"

Everyone looked at Li Yun with resentment. If he hadn't made a bad head, they would not be rude.

Li Yun didn't bother to pay attention to these people, and gave Su Tanmeng a hand from a distance, and said frankly: "It was my fault before, I hereby express my sincere apology to Tan Hua."


Su Tanmeng raised his head arrogantly, looked at Li Yun with his chin, and said, "Then what do you have in mind about the Six Arts of Gentlemen? I think you just looked like you were determined to win. I think you have any thoughts on this in your heart? "

"Have you been looking at me?" Li Yun suddenly said, shocking everyone.

Su Tanmeng suddenly yelled angrily: "I think you are because you are wearing ugly clothes! It's like a monkey wearing human clothes. It's nondescript. There is a proverb: Wearing a dragon robe is not like a prince. Talking about people like you!"


When Su Tanmeng scolded, everyone looked at her in shock, causing this beautiful oiran to blush a bit. Just now because of Li Yun's words was too ambiguous, it made him hate men even more because Le Zhiyin didn't come. She couldn't help showing her sharp teeth.

Everyone looked at Li Yun again. His clothes were indeed nondescript. The clothes on his body were obviously larger. The sleeves almost covered his hands and the feet were also lengthened. In this place where everyone is dressed gorgeously, he looks special. Conspicuous, no wonder Su Tanmeng kept watching him.

"Oh my God, who is that? What you wear looks like your brother's clothes are narcissus, could it be..."

Being questioned by the woman next to them, Huang Narcissus and Wang Mengyan almost got to the ground in embarrassment.

It was the decision of the two of them that Li Yun came in inappropriate clothes...

And Wang Mengyan was embarrassed with deep shame. Li Yun is still her future husband. It is too bad for her wife, who has not prepared his clothes!

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