Godly Master’s System Plug-in

Chapter 1472: Flower viewing party (below)

Although there was the accident of Li Yun's complaint, basically everyone recognized Su Tanmeng's beauty and temperament, and she was well deserved to be the oiran this year.

Just as she defeated Peony to get the Oiran at the age of 16 ten years ago, no one expressed dissatisfaction.

Su Tanmeng walked to the small island in the middle of the lake and sat upright on the only elevated platform, looking down at the surrounding people like the Queen of the Palace at the head of the Sixth Courtyard of Sannomiya. He looked aloof and arrogant, disdain to give anyone a look. .

But the more this is, the more she can display her temperament incisively and vividly. Her face is disgusting with the world, and when she poses in such a posture, people can clearly feel the arrogance and sadness of Su Tanmeng. Temperament.

Li Yun thought of the eldest lady inexplicably. Unlike her, Su Tanmeng was arrogant and cold, not like the eldest lady who completely ignored the coldness of people.

Su Tanmeng's high coldness is that he looks down on others, so he disdains Li Yun's eyes.

And Murong Qingyue, who didn't want to care about others at all, belonged to a fairy who was cold inside and out.

"In the name of Epiphany, this flower viewing conference starts from this moment!"

Su Tanmeng sat on the high platform without any ceremonies, so he announced directly, with a hint of chill in his voice. Like the clear spring water underground, it makes people tremble all over.

Everyone has no objection. She has occupied the position of Oiran for ten years and discarded many of the original rituals, saying that she does not need any complicated things.

Everyone in Hundred Flower Valley could do nothing about it, but they couldn't help it with her. At the flower viewing conference, the oiran was the biggest.

"Peony, rose, plum, camellia, water lily."

Su Tanmeng recited the names of five flowers in a row. The five women occupying the flower positions came out of the queue and walked toward the island in the middle of the lake, bowing slightly to Su Tanmeng with a respectful expression on their faces.

Five women with an upright posture salute a woman sitting on a high platform. Even if the woman sitting is generally long, she will be set off by this noble treatment and become a peerless beauty.

What's more, Su Tanmeng's appearance is truly stunning, and among the people Li Yun has met, the eldest lady and Xiao Jiayu are slightly better than her.

Li Yun looked at the gentle smiles forced on the faces of the five women, and thought in his heart amusedly that these five women are probably not convinced.

But Baihuagu's rules about flower positions are to set off the noble oiran, and these five dare not break these conventions.

Fortunately, after the salute, Su Tanmeng didn't embarrass them anymore, only instructed: "Let's start the first program of the Flower Show."

"Huh?" The woman with the camellia embroidered on her skirt was taken aback, and then quickly said: "No, no, Epiphany, now it should be the first champion."

The number one leader is the male host.

"Oh~~, I forgot."

Su Tanmeng still had no expression on his face, and said coldly: "Then choose."

Her words left everyone speechless, and the oiran was still so headstrong.

However, even if she is colder, with her outstanding appearance and temperament, the man who wants to be the top champion still starts to move around.

"Who do you think Tanhua will choose this year?"

"Probably... or Xu Xufeng?"

"80% of it is him. For the first ten years and five years, it was him. The rest of the time he let others."

"Tsk tusk, I don't know if Xu Xufeng and Su Tanmeng are a pair. They were childhood sweethearts, but they never admit it."

"Hehe, now the two are so old, do you think they are a pair? It's going to be early!"

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