Godly Master’s System Plug-in

Chapter 1458: Spread all over

After Li Yun and Wang Mengyan went back, such keywords began to circulate up and down the Bagua Gate.

"At night, Li Yun and Junior Sister didn't know what they were doing. They disappeared for a few hours. After they went back, they took a bath. The Junior Sister couldn't get up for a few days and announced that they were retreating."

The combination of these keywords broke the hearts of hundreds of male disciples of Bagua Men!

This Li Yun was too fast. He just got the gossip acknowledgment, so he could not wait to eat their beloved Junior Sister, and she was in the wild, and she could not get out of bed for a few days, so she had to announce her retreat. Hide the truth!

Everyone was angry, everyone was filled with righteous indignation, everyone's heart was bleeding, everyone... helpless!

Although I think of the graceful figure, the tender and cute appearance, but also the proud peaks and mountains, Li Yun will definitely show a very coquettish and moving expression under Li Yun's teasing, making all the gossip disciples envy and want to breathe fire, but also take Li The cloud has no way.

Who knows that the parents are not bad, the background is not low, the martial arts is good, the young and the golden, the man's capital is also very strong.

Although very helpless, he can only admit his fate, the little junior sister, probably will only be their little junior sister forever.

However, the identity that Li Yun used last time in the Xiao family was that Xiao Jiayu took him back, and his identity was also the son-in-law of the Xiao family.

In addition, there are rumors that the medical fairy has also admired Li Yun, and the two even had a close companion.

After these news spread through the gossip sect, while everyone was skeptical, they also gave Li Yun more and more face and face, not giving him a good face at all.

So Li Yun simply hid, either cultivating in the room, or wandering around in the mountains to look at the scenery, and never contacted the Baguamen.

Four days after Li Yun's hard time passed, Wang Mengyan finally left the customs, and at the emergency meeting held at the Bagua Gate, Wang Qi solemnly announced:

"The head disciple, your little junior sister, my granddaughter, Wang Mengyan, successfully broke through the innate!!"

Everyone was stunned, looking at Wang Mengyan who was standing in the front, and seeing her nodded with a big smile, they could only believe the incident. There was another three seconds of silence, followed by thunderous cheers.

"Little Junior Sister breaks through the innate, it's great!"

"Sister Mengyan is amazing!"

"Little Junior Sister is finally overwhelmed."

"The Bagua Gate can have one more innate!"

Regardless of the school, the birth of each innate is something worth celebrating.

Wang Wanjing looked at Wang Mengyan with complicated eyes. At this moment, she had a self-confident temperament, which was completely absent when she was in the acquired realm.

With this kind of temperament blessing, coupled with the more perfect transformation of the human body by innate true qi, and the soft and smooth skin, all these have made Wang Mengyan's beauty once again risen a step, successfully suppressing Wang Wanjing again.

It's just that Wang Wanjing is a little strange. Doesn't it mean that women who have experienced men and women will become charming and passionate, and can show the charm of women everywhere?

How does she think Wang Mengyan is still like that, with a cute baby face, although the **** are still big, but there is no mature charm of married women between her eyebrows.

Wang Mengyan excitedly said a call, and finally looked at Li Yun, her big water-like eyes were full of tender affection, and said: "The key to my breakthrough is that I have found someone I like. He has been very helpful to me. Very big, I also like him very much, no matter what happens in the future, I will not regret it, this is my choice, I believe him, will always be good to me.

Thank you everyone, I'm done. "

Needle falling in the scene can be heard.

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