Godly Master’s System Plug-in

Chapter 1454: Breakthrough Innate (Part 1)

Li Yun made Wang Mengyan optimistic, and directly exchanged a constitution pill and marrow pill from the system store. Wang Mengyan was very surprised to see it. This thing appeared completely out of thin air.

"Li Yun, you..." Wang Mengyan's big eyes were full of doubts.

"This is a gift from me."

Li Yun was very embarrassed, because the system hadn't appeared for a long time, he himself somewhat forgot about it.

If you don't exchange items, the system has almost no sense of existence, so that they forget to send Wang Mengyan and Liu Peng, two things that can strengthen their physique.

"my present?"

Wang Mengyan's eyes lit up suddenly, she stretched out her hands to grab these two exquisite boxes and hugged them in her arms, looked at Li Yun with bright eyes, and said happily: "I like it very much, thank you Li Yun!"

"Just like it. This is what you eat. You can go back and eat it again. Take the Physique Pill first and then the Washing Pill."

"Eat it? Can I eat it now?"


While talking, Wang Mengyan couldn't wait to put the constitution pill in her mouth, "It seems... very fragrant."

She didn't say how she was feeling, probably because the physique pill no longer worked on her acquired perfect body.

"The Xisui Pill is effective."

"Well, I will try."

Wang Mengyan didn't ask what the effect was, and ate Xiusui Pill again.

This was something Li Yun gave, even if it was poison, she would take it without hesitation.

But if it is a medicine with other effects...

Feeling a disturbing heat from inside her body, Wang Mengyan thought of something very bad.

It is the favorite of prostitutes, referred to as Chun Yao.

"Li, Li Yun."

Wang Mengyan let out a cry from the bottom, fell softly in her arms, holding his neck with her hands, her body became more and more uncomfortable, the effect of washing marrow pill was working, and she regarded it as that kind of medicine. The feeling of strangeness became stronger.

"Who told you to eat here, you should go back to the bedroom to eat."

Li Yun hugged her, thinking that she would be uncomfortable for a while now.

But unexpectedly, Wang Mengyan's movement was getting bigger and bigger, and Li Yun, who was no longer her first brother, quickly understood her mood at the moment.

"Mengyan, you!?"

"Li Yun, you big villain."

Wang Mengyan leaned to his ear, bit his ear, and said in a very aggrieved and seductive voice: "We are all in this relationship, you still give me that kind of medicine, you are really necrotic, just like that. See others make a fool of yourself in front of you?"

She hugged Li Yun like an octopus, her limbs tightly around him, her body trembled with excitement. In this quiet night, there is a cliff in front and a tall boulder in the back. There is absolutely nothing here. Under the disturbing environment, Wang Mengyan can narrate her passionate feelings for Li Yun as much as possible.

"Fuck?" Li Yun felt vaguely in his heart, but couldn't control his mouth, blurting out the first ambiguous sentence to her.

"you you you."

Wang Mengyan was so embarrassed that she clasped Li Yun's neck and dared not look at him, and said with a trembling tone: "Li Yun, you are so bad, I didn't know you were here...this time is so bad. Ah~, no , However, you are the husband I recognize, and it is not rude to tell you, I only tell my husband."

"Well, I'm listening, let's talk about it." Li Yun hugged her fragrant and tender body, listening to her beautiful and charming voice in his ears, reason no longer knew where to throw it.

Presumably at this time, no man can resist the temptation to talk about shame with a cute girl face to face.

Wang Mengyan talked intermittently about what happened when Li Yun was carrying her in the secret road.

When it comes to emotions, I can't help crying, feeling ashamed of what I did at the beginning.

But even though he was extremely ashamed, under Li Yun's uncontrollable constant questioning, Wang Mengyan still uttered all the excitement he had felt.

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