Everyone was very surprised, and Zhang Zhenyu was even more likely to drop his jaw.

Li Yun briefly talked about Gu Jiyu and Gu Tiansheng's grievances, which made everyone's back chill.

The competition between human clones and ontology is so cruel, far beyond the limit that the world can imagine.

Sweeping a circle of people, Li Yun said: "The reason why I say this is not to create panic in Heijianghu, but to tell everyone about the cult and the League of Sword Shadows, and let everyone know the inside story of these advanced sciences.

Forcing the development of science regardless of social ethics and morals will cause many unimaginable consequences. "

To put it more simply, these words are to warn everyone, don't let the disciples join the religious cults and leagues in order to break through the innate.

Chen Qiuxia lowered her head to drink tea with some embarrassment, Li Yun did not continue these topics, and said: "The next thing is about mental power."

Everyone was shocked, and that's what they did.

Li Yun explained the ins and outs of the matter clearly, and also told them the mysterious uses of mental power, including unstoppable mental power attacks, and even more wonderful dream building.

"Cultivate the brain, manifest, and build dreams." Wang Qi said with a horrified expression: "I'm afraid that only the gods who thoroughly master the mysteries of the human body can create such a magical technique."

Seeing that they all had expressions of fear and envy of the religion, Li Yun had to warn once again: "The church of God will brainwash everyone who joins. Unless there is help from a big figure hidden in the church, you can join. It means losing oneself."

Everyone said that they knew that Wang Qi wanted to experience the experience of mental power attack firsthand. At his request, Li Yun went off the field to fight with him, and took a lot of hands and feet to defeat him smoothly.

"The later stage of the innate can't beat the mid stage of the innate!"

Several elders expressed shock, and went on to fight against Li Yun without believing in evil. In the end, including Zhang Zhenyu, all the innate later stages were helpless with Li Yun, either being defeated or Li Yun took the initiative to tie.

At this time, everyone was completely convinced.

Wang Mengyan has been watching from the sidelines, the beautiful eyes are colorful, and the admiration for Li Yun in her heart is much stronger.

"This book is the "Spiritual Power Cultivation Method"" Li Yun handed the book to Zhang Zhenyu, and said solemnly: "Because it is a method for cultivating the brain, I don't need to say more about the danger. I hope you can treat it with caution. ."

Zhang Zhenyu clung to the book tightly, and smiled: "It is natural that there is danger. We usually practice the qigong if we don't pay attention to it, we will lose our true qi and lead to disability, not to mention this book for cultivating the brain, but we can rest assured that we will Cautious."

Li Yun nodded, "As long as you are careful, it should be no problem. There are dozens of people who have practiced this book. So far, no mistakes have been found."

After the matter was explained, everyone was overjoyed, and they wished to retreat to practice this mysterious and extraordinary exercise right away.

"One more thing." Li Yun said again.

"Nephew, please." Wang Qi said enthusiastically, "Is it about Mengyan? Don't worry, my Wang family advocates free love, and we support the decision Mengyan made. Hey, when will you get married?"

"Grandpa!" Wang Mengyan was shy again, not because of these words, but because of Li Yun beside her.

"It's not that."

Li Yun didn't discuss this topic embarrassingly, otherwise, they knew he still had two girlfriends, and they didn't know how they would react.

"What I want to say is that Mengyan told me about the matter about the gods in the arena three hundred years ago?"

Everyone shook their heads and said they didn't know, Wang Mengyan proactively said: "I found it, I haven't told you yet."

"It's not too early, nephew, let's go eat and talk." Zhang Zhenyu smiled and said, "It just so happens that I am quite strange about this."

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