Godly Master’s System Plug-in

Chapter 1447: Defeat the enemy

The sword of love in Li Yun's hand drew from bottom to top, drew a bright trajectory like a meteor, with a clang, accurately blocking the attacking long sword.

The two men resembled each other, and the two swords made a crisp, light trembling sound, making the expressions of the people heard in the audience stunned, and everyone's attention was focused on the battle.

Chen Tong quickly changed his moves, and the long sword turned slightly, slashing at Li Yun's arm diagonally.


There was another metal crash, and Li Yun once again accurately blocked the offensive.

Chen Tong was annoyed in his heart, and did not retreat to organize the offensive. He stood directly in front of Li Yun, with a long sword in his hand, attacking in rapid succession, stabling towards Li Yun like a storm.

"Clang! Clang! Clang!"

The two long swords fought fiercely, and the dense metal and iron sounded together, and the people in the audience were dumbfounded.

The two stood still, only wielding the long sword in their hands, like a metal sword array composed of two sharp swords, strangling all the enemy's attacking metal.

The super fast reaction speed and fierce battle directly scared everyone present.

It's no wonder that even Zhang Qitu could not defeat Chen Tong before. His reaction speed was too fast. All sword moves in front of them were slow and easy to block. How could he defeat him.

The more he fought, the more frightened Chen Tong was. He had already undergone a certain transformation in the Kongming School, and his nerve reaction speed and vision would far exceed that of ordinary people, and he would never be his opponent at the same level.

But I never thought that Li Yun on the other side had such a fast reaction speed, even faster than him!

"No, it can't go on like this!"

Chen Tong secretly decided, seizing an opportunity, a fierce light flashed in his eyes, and Long Sword gave up all defense and pierced Li Yun's heart straight.

Li Yun did not hesitate, the sword of love also pierced his heart.

The two swords were missed in the air, both with a forward momentum, vowing to kill each other with one blow!


Wang Mengyan only had time to exclaim, and Chen Tong had already moved away.

He still flinched at the last moment, and didn't dare to continue working hard with Li Yun.

Chen Tong retreats, Li Yunjin.

The sword of love pierced straight out, and Chen Tong hurriedly responded. He was not Li Yun's opponent after his momentum was vented. He was beaten by Li Yun's offensive moves step by step until he reached the edge of the martial arts stage. , Only then rose to fight back.

But it was just a dying struggle, Li Yun easily knocked down his long sword and kicked him off the stage.


Everyone was shocked by Li Yunxingyun's flowing water. Chen Tong, who was invincible before, had no resistance in front of Li Yun. He was suppressed to death. Even if he was injured, Chen Tong did not dare to do it. Until I was defeated.

Li Yun jumped off the stage holding the sword of love, and asked Chen Tongyue, "What is your purpose for coming to the Bagua Gate?"

"Huh! How old are you? Dare to take care of my business!"

Chen Tong stood up and was about to leave with a black face, but was blocked by Li Yun's sword.

"I'll ask again, what deal did you reach with the Kongming faction," Li Yun said coldly: "It's not the problem between you and the Bagua Sect, but the gods!"

"I won't say, what can you do with me? Have the ability to kill me!"

"Okay, then you go to die."


Seeing Li Yun's move without hesitation, Chen Qiuxia finally couldn't help yelling out. When the sword of love stopped, the tip of the sword had cut through Chen Tong's throat, and the blood was still flowing out.

"If you dare to say a little more nonsense, I will kill you with one sword. It's useless for anyone to intercede."

Li Yun's cold words shook Chen Tong and all the people in the gossip door.

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