Godly Master’s System Plug-in

Chapter 1437: Talk (in)

What's the situation?

Li Yun couldn't figure out what Wang Mengyan was thinking. He suddenly wanted to jump into the cliff. Now that he heard that he was not a good man, he was happy?

"I want to hear, want to hear what happened between you, want to hear what Li Yun said!" Wang Mengyan said earnestly again.

"...Well, let me talk about it roughly."

Li Yun told her about the entanglement with the second daughter during this period, omitting those private @密 words and only talking about what happened.

"I'm sorry for both of them, and now I don't want to be sorry for Mengyan you even more, so..." Li Yun still wanted to persuade her not to be impulsive.

"I know what you mean."

Wang Mengyan hugged Li Yun's arm in both hands, and said softly: "Li Yun, I envy them, so many things have happened between you, but I...but I escaped back. It was my fault. If I was Hold on..."

"Escape back?"

Li Yun was taken aback, "Are you afraid of the self-destruction of the golden soldiers of the gods?"

Five golden soldiers exploded in front of her, unexpectedly leaving such a big shadow on Wang Mengyan.

"No, no, it's that!" Wang Mengyan's voice trembled in shame, holding Li Yun's arm, she couldn't help but feel strange feelings in her body.

Feeling her amazing softness in his arm, Li Yun's thinking also became confused, "That thing? But you are not the golden soldier who is afraid of self-destruction."

"I'm not afraid of those people."

Wang Mengyan didn't dare to mention it again, she was a little strange in her heart, doesn't Li Yun still know what happened?

The two chatted casually for a while, and Li Yun smiled and said, "Mengyan, are you in a better mood now?"


Wang Mengyan gave Li Yun a smile, with tears on the cute baby's face, "I won't be impulsive anymore, because... Li Yun, I want to tell you something."

She grumbled and said, "One thing I decided to do in the future."

"Let's talk, I'm listening." Li Yun smiled slightly. She mentioned the future, which meant that she would never forget it again.


Wang Mengyan's cheeks were flushed, she reached out to put her arms around Li Yun's neck, leaned close to his ear, and whispered, "I want to be your third girlfriend."

The third girlfriend...

Her fragrant breath hit Li Yun's sensitive ears. The intimate movements and ambiguous words made Li Yun almost unable to hold her and kiss her.

Wang Mengyan plucked up the courage to finish speaking, her body was completely weakened, she fell into Li Yun's arms, and muttered to herself: "I know I don't know enough about you now, but we can take it slowly, okay."

Li Yun smiled bitterly, he was already sorry for Miss and Jiayu, and now he is still with Wang Mengyan, uh...

But now is not the time to say this.

"Mengyan, I will talk about the future in the future." Li Yun said: "Maybe you will meet someone who will accompany you throughout your life, such as Zhang Qitu. He cares about you very much, I can tell."


When Wang Mengyan was chatting with Li Yun alone, her voice was a cute little milk, which sounded very comfortable, like a cute little girl acting like a coquettish and cute.

"Although I grew up as a childhood sweetheart, my parents are also bringing us together," Wang Mengyan said affirmatively: "But I really don't have a relationship between men and women for him.

Before, my dad told me that if I want to go out to meet the next generation, I will know the good of the big brother, but I went out and came back, and it was the same. "

Wang Mengyan glanced at Li Yun and said shyly: "Besides, now I also have you in my heart."

"Uh... I'll talk about this in the future, okay." Li Yun didn't know what expression to answer her.


The two chatted for a while before getting up and going back.

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