"Magic Cheats?"

Wang Mengyan looked confused, the baby's face was very cute, and said: "There are many cheats in the gossip gate, there are many about cultivation, and you can't practice one day after tomorrow, but there are also many breakthroughs in innate experience."

She glanced at Li Yun, bowed her head in frustration, and said sadly: "Li Yun, you are all in the mid-life, and I am still the day after tomorrow."

"This is not in a hurry, it will be congenital one day."

Li Yun smiled and said: "Now is no better than in the future, the gods will have breakthroughs in pill. If we obtain their technology, you can quickly break through the innate."


He comforted a few words, and immediately made Wang Mengyan's heart as sweet as eating honey.

"The cheats I'm talking about are about spiritual cultivation."

"Mental power... can also be cultivated?"

"Let me start from the beginning, starting from the first appearance of the gods."

Li Yun briefly recounted what happened after Wang Mengyan left, omitting many of them, and focusing on the Xiangshan Fantasyland.

"Mental power, manifestation, dream building, super dream..."

Wang Mengyan muttered to herself without a godly eyes, this large number of nouns mixed with a large number of things flooded her, leaving the little beauty in a daze again.

"It's really wonderful." Liu Peng listened with great relish, and his gaze at Li Yun became more and more admired, saying: "Unexpectedly, after listening to the deeds told by Brother Li himself, I found out that Brother Li you are more than rumors... Well, admirable!"

Li Yun shook his head with a wry smile, "It's too exaggerated, I just did what I should do, and I'm not sure if I did my best. After all, many people have died."

"There is no undead in war, Brother Li, don't blame yourself too much. I think this result is good enough, no, it should be very good!"

Li Yun is noncommittal, but it doesn't make sense to entangle this topic.

"Mengyan, now do you know the purpose of my coming?"


Wang Mengyan looked at Li Yun with a complex expression, what he had done far exceeded her imagination, and the rumors of things that seemed like fantasy are all true!

"Li Yun, you are here this time to unite the entire arena and martial arts, so that everyone can use their strength to deal with the gods, right?"

"Right to a certain extent."

Li Yun said: "But it is not necessary to unite your strength, but just to inform you that the Kongming Sect, and all those who are tempted to join by the gods, will be eliminated."

It is undoubtedly very stupid to put hope on this group of people in the arena.

For these people in the arena, the existing sect is followed by the country, and even if they are called together, they will not necessarily fight with all their hearts.

"Yeah." Wang Mengyan nodded vigorously. "Everyone is worried about the Kongming Sect now. Its strength has far surpassed the ordinary sect. At least more than one hundred innates have joined the Kongming Sect."

"The second thing is to investigate how many people have joined the Kongming faction!"

Li Yun looked directly at Wang Mengyan's body, causing her to straighten her waist, and replied seriously: "As far as I know, no disciple of the Bagua Sect has recently broken through the innate. Therefore, the Bagua Sect should be No disciple who was tempted to join by the gods."

Her appearance was as cute as a student named and answered by the teacher, which made Li Yun amused.

"Nothing is the best."

Li Yun smiled and said: "The best thing is to pass on the "Spiritual Practice Method" to you. If you encounter an attack from the gods, you will also have the power to protect yourself."

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