Godly Master’s System Plug-in

Chapter 1425: You can't be the master

The yellow-crowned man asked coldly.

Li Yun looked up at him calmly. This man had long eyebrows like willows, a body like a jade tree facing the wind, and a carved face with distinct features. His angular face was exceptionally handsome.

Even if he looks like a wicked person, his handsome appearance can still arouse women's cheers. If he is put in the city, he will be the image of a male god. At least compared to Li Yun's delicate and beautiful appearance, he is a handsome woman. Children's favorite.

"We are Miss Wang Mengyan's colleagues, and we are here to visit Bagua Gate today."

Li Yun threw a famous post at him casually. Since he saw the guests coming and stood arrogantly on the boulder looking down, Li Yun didn’t have to be too polite with him, just as he was a janitor checking the famous posts. .

Li Yun's visit to various martial arts as a lobbyist was carried out with two identities. One was the leader of the "Wulin School Knowledge and Culture Exchange Group" of the Armed Forces Management Department-a temporary new team specially added for Li. Yun added this mission.

The second is the son-in-law of Murong's family.

The yellow-crowned man opened the famous post and took a look, "Li Yun? Wu Lin... the team leader? Humph!"

He threw the post back again, and said coldly: "Please go back, our gossip gate is not a cat or dog that can visit us, and the military control department of the government can't control us."

"You!" Liu Peng showed an angry expression on his face. It was the first time he saw such an arrogant person, which was much more arrogant than the upper-class people in the previous investigation.

"Big brother!" Wang Mengyan stomped angrily, "Li Yun is not a bad person, he is my... best friend." She glanced at Li Yun shyly, and finally changed to a friend.

She actually wanted to say what she called Li Yun in her mind, but...

Wang Mengyan's cute and immature face showed such a shy expression, which made all the gossip disciples almost frightened.

Isn't this cute little sister usually bluffing? Moreover, he didn't listen to the advice of the elders, and ran out alone to be a staff member of the Armed Forces Management Department. It can be said that it was extremely rebellious.

But unexpectedly, she would show such a shy and moving look.

The yellow-crowned man, who is also the head disciple of the Bagua Sect, Zhang Qitu, the big brother of many inner disciples, saw Wang Mengyan's lovely and charming expression, and his dissatisfaction and resentment towards Li Yun grew stronger.

Li Yun smiled slightly, and after receiving the famous post, he said calmly: "You are not the head. Today, I came to visit the Bagua Gate with Liu Peng. You can't do it. The Lord said to reject us."


Everyone was shocked, shocked by Li Yun's tone.

What he meant was that when he and Liu Peng came to visit the Bagua Sect, they had to be greeted by the master? !

Liu Peng was even more admired in his heart, and he dared to say such awesome words in front of other people's mountain gates, he deserves to be Brother Li!

"You are so bold!"

Zhang Qitu was furious, and stretched out his hand to slap the long sword hanging from his waist, "choking" and the sword spun out of its sheath automatically. With a wave of his right hand, the sword body shook, and it pierced out with a sound of breaking through the air.

This swordsmanship was terrifying, and with his condescending position, as well as the sharp eyes, everyone present was shocked.

"The one who insults my master will die!"

A sword slashed, as if the agarwood slashed Huashan in angrily, everyone was horrified. They didn't expect that the senior brother would suddenly attack. Wang Mengyan's face was pale and she looked up at the sword, inexplicably Felt that his big brother's face was a little strange.


However, Li Yun was prepared. The sword of love was quickly pulled out, and the sword body flicked. Accompanied by a buzzing sound, it suddenly picked up. Everyone saw the sky full of cold light speeding, and the two swords collided like two wheels. The bright moon together, slammed into each other fiercely, sent out dazzling sparks, and quickly returned to the original position.

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